
  1. A

    Today In Irony: Fashion School Hosting A Body Image Discussion

    Tomorrow, the London College of Fashion will be hosting an event called "Why Size Doesn't Matter: Be the Best You/Hear how to Feel Great 24/7." If I was in London right now, I'd totally try to go because I love body positivity, fashion and irony equally. More » Today In Irony: Fashion School...
  2. J

    Swatch Irony YOS401G --Information?

    A few years back i recieved a Swatch Irony - Wealthy Star YOS401G watch as a gift. I do not wear it much as I do not wear watches very much but lately I have been wondering about this watch. What type of person is this watch made for. Is there anything special about the watch. It seems to do a...
  3. L

    Irony in Cat's Cradle?

    I'm supposed to select examples of irony from the following parts of Cat's Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut but I have only found a few! Can you help me? Select your examples from the following chapters: chapters 37-47 John finds out information about Hoenikker children chapters 48-60 History of San...
  4. F

    When arguing with your significant one, do you yell, curse or use irony to

    make your point? Insults are not in my book; there's no way I'd never yell or insult/curse at the man I love, no matter what; I use my sharp, sarcastic tongue instead;) I do it for two reasons: 1 because cursing is not lady-like and 2 because down-playing situations with a smile is always the...
  5. A

    Why do some people have no sense of humour or irony?

    A lot of crap happens in life.... a lot of bad things happen, a lot of things are grim and serious, but if you can't then find humour in the crap how else do you cope with it? I have a very self-depreciating dark sense of humour... its been my saving grace. If you make social gaffs or make a...
  6. J

    What irony is in Thank You for Smoking?

    I am looking for how irony is used in the movie "Thank You for Smoking"
  7. D

    Hamlet! Can anyone explain the irony in the last scene in Hamlet?

    i have an essay question on a test tommoro to discuss the ironic outcome of the duel scene that concludes the play of Hamlet, any help would be much apreciated! Thanks
  8. D

    Hamlet! Can anyone explaine the irony in the last scene of hamlet?

    i have an essay question on a test tommoro to discuss the ironic outcome of the duel scene that concludes the play of Hamlet, any help would be much apreciated! Thanks
  9. C

    Humour and Dramatic Irony in Twelfth Night?

    Okay here is my topic: The technique of dramatic irony is used in this play, Twelfth Night to create humor. Using specific references prove this technique is essential part of the comedic nature of this play. So I was thinking The whole Cesario is Viola thing and the whole Malvolio letter...
  10. C

    Humour and Dramatic Irony in Twelfth Night?

    Okay here is my topic: The technique of dramatic irony is used in this play, Twelfth Night to create humor. Using specific references prove this technique is essential part of the comedic nature of this play. So I was thinking The whole Cesario is Viola thing and the whole Malvolio letter...
  11. J

    Anyone see the irony of how some americans are whining about socialism, when its

    fascism thats doing them in? They talk about how socialism is destroying the USA, when everywhere I look I see that people with big power and big money and greedy people are the ones who are calling the shots and controlling the politicians and getting the policies that they is that...
  12. C

    Discuss the irony of African words and concepts as they are learned and...

    ...presented by Adah and Leah.? Discuss the irony of African words and concepts as they are learned and presented by Adah and Leah.
  13. C

    Discuss the irony of African words and concepts as they are learned and...

    ...presented by Adah and Leah.? Discuss the irony of African words and concepts as they are learned and presented by Adah and Leah.
  14. G

    The Irony of Henry Adams: The most misunderstood quote evah!

    I just received a mass emailing from Julia's high school, in the name of the principal. Routine business. At the end of the missive was this quote: A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops.What does this quote mean to you? If you don't know its context, you may...
  15. H

    examples of irony in the short story "Two in One" by o'brien murphy kelly irony?

    examples of irony in the short story "Two in One" by o'brien murphy kelly irony? Irony + explanation why!!
  16. J

    My friend thinks this is an example of irony, I think it's a coincidence. Which... it? My friend works at a computer shop. His boss mentioned her favorite brands of hard drives, motherboards and RAM. They were the same brands as the ones he had in his computer. He says this is ironic. I tell him that this is instead an example of coincidence. Irony would be crashing...
  17. B

    can anyone give me jokes about irony in paradoxes?

    i don't need websites i just want to know what you yourselves can make up
  18. D

    What are some examples of irony, hyperbole, and humor in Candide?

    I need to find these examples to show how Voltaire develops his major theme in attacking the Philosophy of Optimism.
  19. M

    RAWs for Sakura Irony?

    Does anyone know where I can find RAWs for the manga Sakura Irony (both volumes)? Preferably, good quality. Thank you :)
  20. A

    Find an ironic literary work or film. Explain the "multivocal nature" of the irony

    Find an ironic literary work or film. Explain the "multivocal nature" of the irony in the work.? Chapter 26: Is He Serious? And Other Ironies Book: How To Read Literature Like A Professor by Thomas C. Foster