Anyone recommend a harness for balance; a crutch for my 3 legged boxer dog.


New member
Feb 11, 2009
He's missing the front left.? I have looked at EddiesWheels and K9 and I am hoping to find more options. I think those are too big and cumbersome with the huge wheels on the side. If anyone knows how I can make one myself or have any links or suggestions I sure would appreciate it. Also, I think putting a harness with some kind of crutch - piston leg that he can lean on. But he doesn't have a nub. They cut his shoulder off when he had cancer in his leg. --- I am so upset...he fell on slick floor and stretched his 3 legs out last week and has not been the same. He is weak. I am so sad and want to do all I can for him to get stronger and to have a great life... he's almost 11 and has been 3 legged for 8 years now. Thanks in advance!!!!!