
  1. P

    Why are racist white officers always racially profiling the Three Legged Horseman?

    He doesn't bother you. Can't you just leave him alone? Just because he has three legs and women all over the world desire him for his uniqueness does not give you the right to treat him unfair and do mean things like..like...you know, just awful things. He just wants to be loved, that's all...
  2. D

    how a quater three legged buffalo year 2005 in mint condition?

    have a quater with a three legged buffalo in mint condition which is in kansas what the quarter worth
  3. O

    Tiger Legged Monkey Tree Frog owners?

    Do they need humidity or not? Some websites say yes, some say no. I owned one for about two weeks, then gifted it to my friend - neither of us kept it in humidity. The man I bought it from said they die in humidity. WHAT TO BELIEVE?
  4. O

    Tiger Legged Monkey Tree Frog owners?

    Do they need humidity or not? Some websites say yes, some say no. I owned one for about two weeks, then gifted it to my friend - neither of us kept it in humidity. The man I bought it from said they die in humidity. WHAT TO BELIEVE?
  5. E

    Tiger Legged Monkey Tree Frog owners?

    What environment do they come from? That's the key. (added) Dude, they're from south american rain forests. Duh. http://derekb15.tripod.com/id18.html 80% humidity recommended.
  6. O

    Tiger Legged Monkey Tree Frog owners?

    Do they need humidity or not? Some websites say yes, some say no. I owned one for about two weeks, then gifted it to my friend - neither of us kept it in humidity. The man I bought it from said they die in humidity. WHAT TO BELIEVE?
  7. 2

    What different parts of the body do Sumo, Romanian and Stiff legged dead-lifts work?

    What are the differences in the parts of the body which are exercised?
  8. K

    Tiger legged tree frog owner.?

    I bought a tiny Tiger Legged Monkey Tree Frog today. I have a suitable tank, a bunch of fake leaves/branches, and a water dish. (And paper towel to cover the bottom) I've been doing so much research for the past few days, but the problem is, I've been doing it for the Red-Eyed Tree Frog...
  9. S

    Anyone recommend a harness for balance; a crutch for my 3 legged boxer dog.

    He's missing the front left.? I have looked at EddiesWheels and K9 and I am hoping to find more options. I think those are too big and cumbersome with the huge wheels on the side. If anyone knows how I can make one myself or have any links or suggestions I sure would appreciate it. Also, I...
  10. M

    Eight legged freaks [2002] DVDRIP XviD RcKtRn

    Name: Eight legged freaks [2002] DVDRIP XviD RcKtRn Category: Movies: Divx/Xvid Size: 1604.55MB Added: 2009-01-18 18:29:38