Anime/manga suggestions for a newbie?


May 14, 2008

I've just recently been getting into anime. I was wondering if you had any suggestions for me. I liked Death Note a lot, Fullmetal Alchemist and Paranoia Agent too, I'm currently almost done with Boogiepop Phantom which is also really good. I'm not too big on fantasy, and I like sci-fi but only when it's within reason. I really like mystery/psychological horror if you couldn't tell already lol.

I havent read any manga yet, I haven't really found any that looked interesting. (not that I've tried though) Could you have any suggestions there too?

Thanks :)
- Gundam Seed (Destiny)

Destiny comes after Gundam Seed and they're both in English. Which I take your probably are watching since your new but if not the site I put in the source should have both.

It's kind futuristic, it does have romance in it but not 'lovely - dovey ' type. Even though it does have some factor in the show. It's action and great!


- Code Geass

Great plot, interesting view on things, supernatural a bit and action.

Their is a second series to it as well.

I could probably recommend more anime but these are all I can think of based on what you like and also how they both are in English. You can always watch the original version with subs to if you want!
Im a newbie too, my favorites anime so far are:

Code Geass
Trinity Blood
D.Gray man
Black Butler

Good luck!!!
Code Geass
Kateikyoushi Hitman Reborn!
Mobile Suit Gundam 00 (also known as Kidou Senshi Gundam 00)
Two psychological thriller-type animes I really liked were Mirai Nikki and Steins;Gate. Just a note, it might take a few episodes for you to understand why Steins;Gate is a psychological thriller. Also, it's a romance comedy thing, but Bakuman's original manga was written and illustrated by the same people as Death Note.
- Fate/Stay Night
- Neon Genesis Evangelion
- Chrono Crusade
- Serial Experiments Lain
- Higurashi no Naku Koro ni
- Elfen Lied
Note that these last two are quite graphic and only recommended for mature audiences. Also, I don't usually recommend SEL, but if you really like mindscrewy stuff I'll make an exception.