A calling for any Kingdom Hearts, Legend of Zelda, Homestuck, or Anime/Man fans.



Hello, I'm just a newbie here. I really, really love the Kingdom Hearts and Legend of Zelda game series, and can talk for hours on end about them!! On the side, I love HomeStuck, a wonderful webcomic by Andrew Hussie that can be found on MSPaintAdventures.com. Also, I love a vast majority of anime/manga, so feel free to name away different ones!!
((I LOVE to Roleplay as characters from the listed games and HomeStuck webcomic... But be warned: I love yaoi! However, I am totally cool with hetero and yuri. If you don't know what any of these mean, then it'd be best you not ask... And if you look it up, hopefully you won't be weirded out. ^ ^; ))
As a final note, for those whom are a bit timid to approach me, I promise, I won't judge you, no matter what. I'll love and accept you for you.
Thank you for taking your time to read this. It means a lot to me. <3