Am I missing out


New member
May 7, 2008
ok so i dont drink or smoke or anything for personal reasons, im a senior in HS and this chapter of my life is ending very soon and way too fast, every one i know drinks and has no problem with it, and im around it all the time. now im not a shy person at all, im pretty much my class clown and i'll do anything for a laugh and i'll do or say that stuff that most people would be like i dunno man maybe not, yea thats me, i know how am i not a drinker right? haha. but wut i wanna know is am i really missing out on something here? dont say like yea drunk ftw, im really looking for some reasons here.
I'm one of the few that never does it either, but thats because my school is strange and we never have parties or anything
this is pretty much the only time you have little responsibility and can do stupid shit w/o huge consequences.

so get wasted, high, laid, and anything else you can think of
well i do about everything but drugs and drink, im far from a virgin to, but not a man ho
nah, i don't care for drugs because its gay and i personally hate the taste and scent of beer
i think everyone does at first, it grows on you. but yeah, your better off not letting it. I crave the shit.
for most people yea, but i've tried so much of it and i can't stand any of it. I thought i would like the different sam adams, but nope, i personally won't like beer, ever, and I'm actually happy because i prefer Baileys and other stuff.
If you've gotten this far, why start now?

All that will do is waste your money. Sure you may try it and hate it or not get addicted, but what happens when you love it and do it everyday. Say goodbye to your money.
Pretty sure he wasn't talking to you.
Here ya go:
your just not invited :dodgyrun:

your missing out if, while hanging out with people who just drank/smoked you feel awkward like you dont fit in.. Drinking isnt that great, throwing up isnt fun, headaches arnt fun.. Smoking on the other hand, is fun, and would say most people should try it(not tobacco at least)