Always Remember me (game) NEED FULL GAME TORRENT!?

This argument is pointless, who cares if one posted the link of the site and not the thread? If you can find it then good for you, at least you know where to go, the anon helped by telling it is out and where to go, that is all. If they want to post the link of the site and not the thread then who cares.
This argument is pointless, who cares if one posted the link of the site and not the thread? If you can find it then good for you, at least you know where to go, the anon helped by telling it is out and where to go, that is all. If they want to post the link of the site and not the thread then who cares.

Whatever you say
Can't we all just get along and Play Backstage Pass? We can help each other out with which stat belongs to each guy and which choice to pick!
Heads up, you guys have a window of less than a week to install an entrypoint for homebrew, downgrade your 3DS from any firmware, and install CFW. The process isn't long but it's a bit stressful due to the chance for brick so look up guides, surely by now there's some comprehensive ones on gbatemp or something. Fire Emblem If plays a bit like a puzzle game on Nohr path, I recommend it.
Latest news:
- BCM devs: "I'm not surprised that people pirate our stuff, I AM surprised when they announce it to us and then ask for a walkthrough."

- Lionette: "I will recognize that the whole Cyanide Tea thing was wrong. They're a small company run buy college students who need the extra cash, and I regret uploading the game."

- Tygwal from Anime-sharing: "I've come to a decision: the game just came out last Friday on the 1st of January 2016. Too soon to share the game out and give it to people. We should at least wait another month or so, so that others can buy it instead of pirating it. I hope you understand."

Great. Just great. Looks like we won't get Blood Code soon (or ever) if this keeps up. I don't know if Tygwal knew about the BCM problem, but if she did probably that's why she kinda hesitated to share Blood Code aside from her own reason (too soon to share the game). *sigh*

May I ask where do you enter the decryption key? I've seen the comments asking for the decryption key. But I downloaded Backstage Pass without the need to entering the key or am I just missing something?
I'd like to request Backstage Pass version
0.9b, please and thank you! :)
Can anyone here just buy Blood Code and share it so we dont have to bother with those people, i would buy it myself but i m just a kid and dont have a credit card.
I have a idea, someone should make a donation pull like they do on those blogs or something like that. Then we all donate a bit to that person and he buys Blood Code and shares it with us.
I m sure that everyone should be able to donate at last 1$ and the game is like only 10$. Since sweetqueerbb has a account here i suggest that we donate to him, so what do you think :) ?
I'm going to buy the game [blood code] when I get my paycheck soon! I'll upload it asap too!
I have a idea, someone should make a donation pull like they do on those blogs or something like that. Then we all donate a bit to that person and he buys Blood Code and shares it with us.
I m sure that everyone should be able to donate at last 1$ and the game is like only 10$. Since sweetqueerbb has a account here i suggest that we donate to him, so what do you think :) ?

sweetqueerbb pls
I have a idea, someone should make a donation pull like they do on those blogs or something like that. Then we all donate a bit to that person and he buys Blood Code and shares it with us.
I m sure that everyone should be able to donate at last 1$ and the game is like only 10$. Since sweetqueerbb has a account here i suggest that we donate to him, so what do you think :) ?

lol if you literally look on Lionette's blog, there is a donation poll. She's been asking if she should start a donations campaign for a while.
Also, I'm pretty sure she already owns Blood Code. She's just laying low for a bit before she uploads it.
Request list update:
- An Octave Higher
I have it for android/bluestacks, but so do a lot of places. If you want the steam version of something, then I can't help you, but just a google search for An Octave Higher APK should get the job done for you otherwise

Request list update:
- Aveyond 4 Shadow of the Mist (new build)
Dunno what build IGG currently has, but they're pretty decent at updating their games if people post about the needed update on the game's page: igg-games(dot)com/aveyond-4-free-download.html

Request list update:
- Battle of the Youstrass
This is available on rutracker: rutracker(dot)org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1486198

Request list update:
- Choice of Games games (Android/PC) ( (Steam Search)
Mobilism has a lot of these (not all by any stretch, but a good chunk of them)

Request list update:
- Cosplay Maker

Request list update:
- Cute Knight Kingdom v1.1
There's a version on rutracker, but dunno if it's v1.1 or not: rutracker(dot)org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2603821
May I ask where do you enter the decryption key? I've seen the comments asking for the decryption key. But I downloaded Backstage Pass without the need to entering the key or am I just missing something?

You only need it if the MEGA l ink is really short, it goes at the end but it will have a pop up that asks for it, so if you don't get that, you don't need it. Ami-chan reposted the full l ink after Tygwal asked for the key, so you most likely got the full l ink.

I have a idea, someone should make a donation pull like they do on those blogs or something like that. Then we all donate a bit to that person and he buys Blood Code and shares it with us.
I m sure that everyone should be able to donate at last 1$ and the game is like only 10$. Since sweetqueerbb has a account here i suggest that we donate to him, so what do you think :) ?

If some of ya'll are interested in that, I'm definitely game. One of the main reasons I made an account here is so that, when I went to this thread, it'd automatically refresh to the newest post. I'm a pirate who likes conveniences, what can I say?

I'm going to buy the game [blood code] when I get my paycheck soon! I'll upload it asap too!

This, however, would be awesome. <3 you anon.

Basically, if unforeseen things happen & we don't get blood code for awhile, a group buy could be a good idea. But ya know, I'm a long time pirate & I know there's some ebb & flow to these sort of things - like there's always going to be awesome people like the below anon who want to share & there's always going to be anti-pirate anons who try & guilt-trip/argue with those that pirate, even if they don't have the means to buy every game that catches their interest. Hell, it seems only recently (maybe the last few years?) that we've started to get week 1 drops of indie titles - particularly vn titles since there's been a massive following for hidden object games in the pirategame scene that I still don't quite understand.
Anyhoos, what I'm getting at is otome games are a niche'd market - but not so much so that it prevents a release outside of a few specific channels (lets say: here, anime-sharing and erogedownload). If we compare it to a much higher stakes game - No Thank you! which had quite a few things actively fighting against its release, so much so that it wasn't released until little over a month later - which, to me, is practically 6 months in internet time. First of all, it was HUGE compared to most (english) vns - 4 some gbs. It also was a REALLY niche'd - it wasn't just gay porn game - it was bara nukige porn game - the bara part specifically turned quite a few yaoi fans off. It was also $40 - which isn't unheard of if you porn japanese vns but is quite alot to most english vn players. Anyway, the biggest thing fighting the release was the fact that it has ALOT of people figthing against it (basically everyone who's ever complained about COOT being shared x 100. They were censoring posts on forums, reporting posts to mangagamer (this still blows my mind) & all around scaring away anyone that was nice enough to want to share it with everyone else.
My point the end, even with the internet anti-piracy police, it was still released (big thanks to the admin of EG for that one, btw <3).

tldr: even if it takes awhile, as long as there's interest (which there clearly is for otome games) - stuff will be shared. That's just how these things work, the sharing culture & all that.
everyone getting their panties in a wad over an otome game :nono:

yuri master race :love:
Talking about Yuri, Strawberry Vinegar went out in steam 2 days ago. A bit early but if it ever gets shared it would be appreciated~
I agree with Sweetqueerbb, TGywal and ItsLionette. Even if it takes times for the game to be shared, people should be patient and not act like they're furiously chasing mindless turkeys in a roundabout circle. What I think the problem with Blood Code is that TGywal said she won't share it just yet due to the game just being released. I kind of understand where she's coming from. I want to be honest; when there is a new game release, especially in VN's, people request them right away, of course. Just give it some time. Sure, still request them, but have a little patience with people. The people who make the games work hard on them, so they need to have a little credit and earn money from their masterpiece (work). Blood:Code was just released. More people should buy the game and then when another month or so has gone, I'm sure ItsLionette or TGywal will share it. Patience is a virtue. But if people still want Sweetqueerbb to buy it by donating to them, I have no problem. That's still supporting the developer of the game one way or another. I'm a pirater too if I get games that aren't supposed to be free for free, but I think we should just wait a little bit longer before someone out there shares Blood:Code.