A few car audio questions...?


Jun 5, 2008
I have a 2003 Pontiac Sunfire and the radio signal is really weak and full of static. Even on maximum volume, I can barely hear what's going on. The CD player, however, works fine. Why is this?

Also, if I get an FM transmitter for my phone, will the bad signal the car gets be reflected through it? That is, will I only barely be able to hear songs from my phone?

Finally, what are some quality FM transmitters for a TIGHT budget?
, Make sure the antenna is properly plugged in,, if yes and the problem still exist, you don't want to spend too much time tracing what's wrong with your stock antenna.. Go to crutchfield, for $25 buy a universal antenna.

I learned it the hard way, spend hours tracing the stock antenna and ended up get a antenna from crutchfield and stick it up the windshield. Boom the problem solved..

For the fm transmitter, go try amazon there is always good price. Basically any fm trasmitter will do you good enough.