2008 Ford Fiesta or 2009 Honda Fit? Which is more economical/practical?


New member
Dec 11, 2008
I'm choosing between the two efficient cars for my daughter. The community college is about 40 miles away, and she would probably travel 4 to 5 times a week. Which is the better choice? The Jap Honda Fit, or the American Fiesta?. I drive a 2006 Corolla (very fuel efficient) and a 2004 Ford Explorer (certifed gas guzzler)
Honda Fit in everyway. Better on gas, easier to maintain, guaranteed less problems. It also looks better has better handing and is more useful cargowise. Detroit is in trouble for a reason, they make terrible cars.
The Ford fiesta is brand new and when it comes out it will be way more popular, also the fit was never that good, So I have to say the fiesta hands down!!!, but let me say that the 2009 corollas are the next best thing and very easy to get parts for.