16wk Beagle pup peeing in crate in the car?


May 27, 2008

We have a 16wk old male beagle pup. The past three times we have been in the car with him, he has pee'd his car crate.

He doesn't cry or yelp in the car in fact he really likes going in the car, obviously because we are typically taking him to the beach to play.

We drive really sensibly with him the car etc, I had thought possibly it was because he was excited, but we have taken him in the car since he was 8wks old so he was used to it from a young age, and until this week he has never pee'd in the car.

We always made sure he pees before we go and always wait at least an hour after he has eaten.

None of the journeys are long ones, we are talking 20 minutes in the car maximum.

I know this might be nothing, but since he clearly didn't do this before i don't want it to become a habit. He is otherwise house trained, doesn't pee in his crate when left in the house and is sleeping 8-10 hours and night without peeing.

Thanks for any help
