
  1. M

    Is there a Bibe verse that refers to the voice of Christ throwing Paul

    from his horse? It's referenced in the poem "Peonies" by Henri Cole. I can't find the actual verse from the bible anywhere. "...thrown about violently,/as Paul was from his horse by the voice of Christ,"
  2. S

    Quick Verse 2010 Platinum

    Quick Verse 2010 Platinum Quick Verse 2010 Platinum | 2.28GB 90 new reference titles from the acclaimed Spurgeon Collection Experiencing God Collection with Experiencing God: 15th Anniversary Edition and Experiencing God Day by Day Devotional The Biblical Illustrator - Gospels volume The...
  3. S

    Quick Verse 2010 Platinum

    Quick Verse 2010 Platinum Quick Verse 2010 Platinum | 2.28GB 90 new reference titles from the acclaimed Spurgeon Collection Experiencing God Collection with Experiencing God: 15th Anniversary Edition and Experiencing God Day by Day Devotional The Biblical Illustrator - Gospels volume The...
  4. S

    Quick Verse 2010 Platinum

    Quick Verse 2010 Platinum Quick Verse 2010 Platinum | 2.28GB 90 new reference titles from the acclaimed Spurgeon Collection Experiencing God Collection with Experiencing God: 15th Anniversary Edition and Experiencing God Day by Day Devotional The Biblical Illustrator - Gospels volume The...
  5. S

    Quick Verse 2010 Platinum

    Quick Verse 2010 Platinum Quick Verse 2010 Platinum | 2.28GB 90 new reference titles from the acclaimed Spurgeon Collection Experiencing God Collection with Experiencing God: 15th Anniversary Edition and Experiencing God Day by Day Devotional The Biblical Illustrator - Gospels volume The...
  6. S

    Quick Verse 2010 Platinum

    Quick Verse 2010 Platinum Quick Verse 2010 Platinum | 2.28GB 90 new reference titles from the acclaimed Spurgeon Collection Experiencing God Collection with Experiencing God: 15th Anniversary Edition and Experiencing God Day by Day Devotional The Biblical Illustrator - Gospels volume The...
  7. S

    Quick Verse 2010 Platinum

    Quick Verse 2010 Platinum Quick Verse 2010 Platinum | 2.28GB 90 new reference titles from the acclaimed Spurgeon Collection Experiencing God Collection with Experiencing God: 15th Anniversary Edition and Experiencing God Day by Day Devotional The Biblical Illustrator - Gospels volume The...
  8. S

    Quick Verse 2010 Platinum

    Quick Verse 2010 Platinum Quick Verse 2010 Platinum | 2.28GB 90 new reference titles from the acclaimed Spurgeon Collection Experiencing God Collection with Experiencing God: 15th Anniversary Edition and Experiencing God Day by Day Devotional The Biblical Illustrator - Gospels volume The...
  9. N

    What is the funniest verse you have ever heard in a Rap song?

    One of Eminem's songs said, "I'll root a tree out of the ground and turn it upside down before I turn over a new leaf". I just had to laugh. tears don't fall: I don't remember, I'm sure it's one of the songs from Recovery
  10. R

    In Judaism can it be expressed that woman is from dust, like in the following verse?

    The woman taken from the man's side, the man taken from a woman's side, man and woman are dust. From dust she came to dust she will return: for from death she was taken and to death she shall return. Cut out: The expression 'Flesh of my flesh, blood my blood' which is used to express marital...
  11. T

    What does this Bible verse mean?

    "Judge for yourselves: Is it proper for a woman to pray to God with her head uncovered? Does not even nature itself teach you that if a man has long hair it is a disgrace to him, but that if a woman has long hair, it is her glory? For her hair is given to her as a covering." (1 Corinthians 11:13-15)
  12. L

    is this verse talking about an airplane flight?

    Pray that your flight will not take place in winter or on the Sabbath" (Matthew 24:20)? And pray that your flight will not be in winter. Mark 13:18
  13. R

    who sings with this verse we can sit and talk for hours or we can say nothing at all?

    this is a country song and this verse been stuck in my head and i cant get it out of my head i want know what song is this
  14. H

    POLL: Greek Food verse Italian Food?

    What is your favorite food of the one you love the most....mmmm yummy?????
  15. J

    If you prestige do you verse harder people (MW2) ?

    I've only heard it like once that if you prestige do you actually verse harder people online ? or it doesn't matter, so for example if your 10th prestige will you verse the best players online and if your non-prestige or around 1st prestige do you verse the easier people or does it all depend on...
  16. D

    another verse! lol please rate or hate! thanks!?

    Alone in the zone With this indo im blown my phone is laying prone any call that comes i gotta postpone i must atone for my sins im in it to win this is my life now let the story begin sitting on the porch with a joint in my mouth i hear a couple shouts decide to duck my head south gunshots...
  17. G

    Christians, I've found a bible verse that seems to be implying that God is

    just a figment of our mind?
  18. L

    biblical evidence verse scientific evidence?

    We see alot of arguments on here re religion and atheism. How do we know for sure one is 100 per cednt correct. You have scientists that have prooved much but still cannot answer everything re evolution. Then you have the bible which people say is written by man, but there are amazing facts...
  19. G

    Bible Verse Rifle Scope Problem Solved

    The general told them to stop. The manufacturer agreed. Fox news is now calling the US Armed Forces unpatriotic. Or something. Read the rest of this post... | Read the comments on this post... More...
  20. G

    Bible Verse Rifle Scope Problem Solved

    The general told them to stop. The manufacturer agreed. Fox news is now calling the US Armed Forces unpatriotic. Or something. Read the rest of this post... | Read the comments on this post... More...