
  1. C

    Here is a Bible verse saying Muslims are right and Christians are wrong,...

    ...what do you think? (“Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,” but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it? In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead. But someone will say, “You have faith; I have deeds.” Show me your faith without deeds, and...
  2. C

    Here is a Bible verse saying Muslims are right and Christians are wrong,...

    ...what do you think? (“Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,” but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it? In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead. But someone will say, “You have faith; I have deeds.” Show me your faith without deeds, and...
  3. S

    "I Vow To Thee My Country" with missing second verse?

    As I understand it, the second verse of the patriotic hymn "I Vow To Thee My Country" is no longer widely sung. However, I find myself unable to find a single recording of the song with that verse included. Does anybody have any idea where I might find one? The song (minus one verse)...
  4. M

    what verse of the gambler by kenny rogers should i use for my persuasive

    speech about how gamblings bad? im trying to persuade my listeners for my speech that gambling is bad and i need a zinger at the end of my speech so which lines should i use? lyrics: On a warm summer's evenin' on a train bound for nowhere, I met up with the gambler; we were both too tired to...
  5. C

    Can anyone remember in what verse Jesus toldus each person lead to Christ...

    ...covers a multitude of sins? Beautiful and wonderful children of God Please and thank you
  6. C

    Can anyone remember in what verse Jesus toldus each person lead to Christ...

    ...covers a multitude of sins? Beautiful and wonderful children of God Please and thank you
  7. C

    Can anyone remember in what verse Jesus toldus each person lead to Christ...

    ...covers a multitude of sins? Beautiful and wonderful children of God Please and thank you
  8. C

    Can anyone remember in what verse Jesus toldus each person lead to Christ...

    ...covers a multitude of sins? Beautiful and wonderful children of God Please and thank you
  9. C

    Can anyone remember in what verse Jesus toldus each person lead to Christ...

    ...covers a multitude of sins? Beautiful and wonderful children of God Please and thank you
  10. C

    Can anyone remember in what verse Jesus toldus each person lead to Christ...

    ...covers a multitude of sins? Beautiful and wonderful children of God Please and thank you
  11. C

    Can anyone remember in what verse Jesus toldus each person lead to Christ...

    ...covers a multitude of sins? Beautiful and wonderful children of God Please and thank you
  12. C

    Can anyone remember in what verse Jesus toldus each person lead to Christ...

    ...covers a multitude of sins? Beautiful and wonderful children of God Please and thank you
  13. A

    is this verse saying it is wrong for women to preach the gosple?

    Isaiah 3:12 Childish leaders oppress my people, and women rule over them. O my people, your leaders mislead you; they send you down the wrong road.
  14. A

    Do you think it's wise to use a bible verse as an example for an essay lol?

    I'm writing a persuasive essay on execution of teenagers for murders. Is it a good choice to use Jesus to support my argument in one of my paragraphs ?
  15. S

    How does this verse miraculously tell about future?

    "It is He Who sent His Prophet with guidance and the Religion of Truth, to proclaim it over all religion, and enough is God for a Witness. " Qur’an, 48:28 This verse predicts with complete certainty that “the religion which the Noble Prophet (Upon whom be blessings and peace) brought would...
  16. S

    How does this verse miraculously tell about future?

    "It is He Who sent His Prophet with guidance and the Religion of Truth, to proclaim it over all religion, and enough is God for a Witness. " Qur’an, 48:28 This verse predicts with complete certainty that “the religion which the Noble Prophet (Upon whom be blessings and peace) brought would...
  17. R

    New Justin Bieber Rap Verse LOL? Pauses twice in a 1 min verse smh.. Lmao 'My new girl she a yellowbone' Wtf that mean?
  18. T

    Christians, what do you suppose this verse means?

    Exodus 22:18 King James Version "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live." Being a witch myself, I just thought I would get the oppinion of those who followed the teachings of the Bible. When you see this, does that mean you would kill anyone who claimed to be a witch, or what? I've always been...
  19. T

    Christians, what do you suppose this verse means?

    Exodus 22:18 King James Version "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live." Being a witch myself, I just thought I would get the oppinion of those who followed the teachings of the Bible. When you see this, does that mean you would kill anyone who claimed to be a witch, or what? I've always been...
  20. C

    Does this verse mean that God chose His elect to be saved in Christ, even before...

    ...they existed? According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love: Eph 1:4 @ Nochance, Really? How can you say that? Even a child could read this and understand what it says. Many don't like what it says...