
  1. T

    Fiscal Tax Cliff (Dec. 9, 2012 - Part 1) - Dec 27,2012

    Part 1 of 3: Originally Aired December 9, 2012 Dianne Linderman talks about the experience of losing everything, and points out the difference between those who save their money and get by on very little, and others who depend on government to support their lifestyle. Also on this segment –...
  2. J

    Did Barack Obama use the Sandy Hook Shooting to push tax hikes?

    Did Barack Obama use the Sandy Hook Shooting to push tax hikes? Does Barack Obama hate America? Does Barack Obama hate White people? Does Barack Obama hate Christians? Is Barack Obama a Muslim? Is Barack Obama similar to Hitler? Is Barack Obama the "Anti-Christ"? Is Barack Obama a...
  3. A

    An HSV ring that can be yours for ?13,500 (plus tax)

    Desperately searching for a last-minute gift for the HSV fan on your list? Well if you've got an extra €13,500 (plus tax) hidden under your bed, you can get them the new HSV diamond ring from Hamburg jewelry designers Quintin Nel and Ralf Hoffmann. The ring features a wide band made of white...
  4. R

    Wouldn't the long term strategic future of Fiscal Conservative Tax policies lead... to conclude...? - let the Bush tax cuts expire - watch the economy respond exactly the way Conservatives have always said would happen for decades: job loss, GDP contraction, and ultimately less revenues rather than more revenues to the federal government, forcing more borrowing or more...
  5. 2

    so its not ok to tax the rich because the rich create jobs.. but taxing the

    poor means rich people? have less customers. what kinds of people go to walmart? poor and middle income those same people need to borrow from banks the poor pay for rich CEO's to go vacationing 5 times a year sorry but if you earn over 1 million, then live in a smaller house, drive a less...
  6. S

    Who am I? I am thankful this year for the free food that your tax

    dollars have provided,? your tax dollars have also provided us with welfare money,cell phones,free education,free medical,free cab fare(and we don't tip the drivers),wic,sec 8 etc etc. Both my husband and I both work, get paid in cash, off the books. We make a decent income but by not declaring...
  7. A

    Denmark’s Fat Tax Hurt Business More Than Obesity Rates, So It’s Getting The Boot

    In October 2011, Denmark introduced a fat tax to tackle obesity, which seemed pretty progressive for a country with an obesity rate that, while serious, is still much lower than our own (13% in Denmark vs. 35% in the U.S.). But a year later, they're canning the tax altogether; it turns out it...
  8. G

    France: Amazon Owes $250 Million in Tax

    Amazon has always been skilled when it comes to avoiding the tax man, but now tides are turning. Reuters reports that France is demanding $250 million in tax payments for a start. More »
  9. R

    POLL: Who would ALLOW a UN Global Tax to take money from rich countries and reward

    failures- 0bama or Romney? The United Nations is at it again: finding new and “innovative” ways to create global taxes that would transfer hundreds of billions, and even...
  10. Q

    tax on the vacation home school district?

    we own a second home as vacation home and only go there once a month for a weekend or so. Our kids go to the public school at our permanent residence school district which we pay tax to the school district every year. We just received the tax from the county where the vacation home is and it...
  11. W

    What do you think of this question about tax dodging?

    Tax dodgers and accountants who help them MUST be put in prison and have their wealth taken away. I thought the question was simple enough, but it seems that some here simply ignore it, read into it or question it. The fiddlers on their yachts would love a few of you who simply turn a blind eye...
  12. A

    With Dwight Howard in tow, the Lakers are facing a huge luxury tax hit

    Only the strongest haters had much bad to say about the Los Angeles Lakers' trade for Dwight Howard. It's the kind of deal that pretty much instantaneously vaults a good playoff team to the ranks of the NBA's few legitimate title contenders. (Though, you know, they still have to figure a lot...
  13. J

    Will you be surprised when the Feds introduce Value Added Tax (VAT) to pay for the...

    ...unfunded health care plan? Every country with government run health care has the VAT. That's how they pay for it. Why do you think Pelosi was floating that trial balloon back in October 2009? Highland: you might...
  14. A

    Supreme Court Upholds Obamacare As A Tax; Here’s What It Means In Plain English

    The Supreme Court upheld Obamacare in a five to four vote, ruling that the individual mandate (requiring that Americans buy insurance or pay a fine) is constitutional as a tax. The court's opinions were divided (outlined in-depth here)—they also stipulated that states can't be penalized for not...
  15. F

    Does the interest received from a Cash ISA need to be declared on a Tax Return?

    I know there is no tax on the interest but does the gross interest still need to be shown on the Return?
  16. A

    Kansas Bill Would Use Tax Code And Lies To Curb Abortions

    File this under #ItNeverEndsDoesIt?: Lawmakers in Kansas have passed a bill that would both turn the state's*tax code into a weapon against abortion access and require doctors to lie about the link between abortion and breast cancer. Because what's a little science in the face of blinding...
  17. R

    is my T-mobile bill tax high?

    in CA my tax and other fee total is 25.56 % my phone voice plan is $59.49 after corporate discount. The tax is 8.77 but t-mobile also charge Regulatory Programs Fee which is $1.61 per line so ended up $6.44 When I was in AT&T there's no such fee I only paid the tax. over 25% tax and fee...
  18. V

    List: Ten Racing-Related Ways To Spend Your Tax Return

    If you think back to last tax day, you’ll remember John Beltz Snyder’s recap of project cars you could buy with your tax refund. If you did buy one of those cars, then maybe you’ve given some thought to taking it racing. With another tax day done and over with, we should all (hopefully) be...
  19. I

    Tax question? Who claims income on interest on joint a bank accounts on

    filing your taxable income earnings? This is the first time that we are doing our taxes by ourselves (accountants did it for last 3 years). We have interest income of 100 dollars almost every year and so we noticed that our accountant both declared it on our returns. Should one of us just claim...
  20. M

    Tax question: Is purchase of lost cellphone provided by company reimbursable?

    I lost my company provided cell phone. I had to then compensate the firm by purchasing another cell phone. Because the model that I lost is stopped and because this was before my contract expired, I paid much more than what the company had paid for the phone. My firm did not reimburse me for...