Will you be surprised when the Feds introduce Value Added Tax (VAT) to pay for the...


Feb 15, 2008
...unfunded health care plan? Every country with government run health care has the VAT. That's how they pay for it.

Why do you think Pelosi was floating that trial balloon back in October 2009?

Highland: you might want to read what the VAT is and who pays most of it before getting too excited
there have been calls for VAT before 0bamacare was passed. its only a matter of time before that new tax is introduced and breaking yet another 0bama lie of no new taxes.
I don't mind if the rich has to pay more tax. I wish they would even have to pay ten times more, or a hundred or a thousand times more.

Joe in Texas:

The poor don't have money to buy anything anyway. It is the rich who can afford expensive homes, cars, jewelry, clothes, etc. So let the rich pay more tax. Why should I care?