
  1. E

    What are the answers to the ripple tank gizmo quiz?

    Some have images, but the ones that don't are as follows: Sound waves moves down a hall past an open doorway. Waves of which wavelength would have the hardest time diffracting through the doorway into the room? A. 5 centimeters B. 2 meters C. 100 meters D. All of the above would easily...
  2. E

    30 gallon tank how many fish can I safely put in?

    So I'm starting an aquarium and I was trying to decide what kind of fish to but in, but the problem is I don't know how many of each I can have in the tank without it getting to crowded. These are the types I had picked out: Ghost Shrimp Albino Cory Catfish Glo Fish Zebra Danio Marigold...
  3. C

    How many fish should I add to my tank?

    I have a 10 gallon tank that's been running for about 5 weeks. I have one betta. I would like to add a small school of glowlight tetras and 1 or 2 platies. Is it good?
  4. J

    African Cichlid fish tank?

    So these are pretty cool fish. Probably the most colorful I have seen of freshwater. I am thinking about doing a 60g. I feel like I wouldn't mind having a cichlid tank. Or maybe have a 60g community and a 30 cichlid or something idk... Anyway I am looking on youtube and there is some big time...
  5. K

    Can I use oil in my gas tank instead or regular gas?

    It's the same thing in theory. I want to save money on gas by using oil in the gas tank instead.
  6. J

    betta fish hiding in top corner of tank for two days - Help!?

    i think there is something wrong with my betta! she is my second one. the first was given to my daugher as an "easy" fish to care for. easy to care for if you want him to die. he lasted six months and i got attached. so i went and bought a new female and started over. i realize that i don't have...
  7. S

    My water in my fish tank is a strange color?

    I am getting my fish tomorrow and woke up to find my fish tank with a yellowish brown color. I have been reading up on it today and i think it is being caused by the drift wood. I wanna make sure that this is safe for the fish and wont harm them in any way. Also do i need to take the drift wood...
  8. J

    how do you cycle a fish tank with fish?

    im using Prime...i just got my fish tank today its a 5 gallon (21 liter) im gonna buy 4 or 5 white cloud mountain minnow, can i use these fish for cycling? and i don't want to buy anymore products or a test kit because i spent all my money....how do i cycle a fish tank? and how do i know when...
  9. R

    My citroen C1 only does 300 miles to a full tank?

    I have read online saying they can do 450+ miles to a full tank. A full tank costs me £45. I just thought it would do more that's all. I don't mind it only doing 300 miles, as it's a lot cheaper than my old cars, and its cheaper on my insurance. But how much does your C1 do to a full tank?
  10. B

    Earth tank build DC universe?

    Okay so I haven't played Dc universe online in like a year or so, but I did already have 2 characters lv 30. One of my favorites is my Lv 30 Earth Tank. Though I need some advise. I do not have any sets right now just normal armor i got from previous quests and enemies. These are my stats...
  11. S

    how do you use tap water conditioning on a fish tank newbie!?

    im new to fish how do you use tap water conditioning and how much do u put in on a 9L tank
  12. M

    what fish can i get to start my cold water fish tank and what temp should it be?

    has it got to be goldfish
  13. M

    Do I have to cycle my fish tank?

    I have 3 fresh water fish tanks and I have never cycled them what is cycling and how do I do it
  14. J

    In Toronto- how many kms should a 2003 vw golf 4 cycle get on a full tank of gas?

    Hi everyone, I'm just trying to figure out how many kms I should be getting on a full tank of gas with my 4 cycl-2003 VW golf? I sort of watched it and it seems i am getting 330kms out of a full tank of gas. It also costs 50 bucks to completely fill it. I know that when i press on the gas...
  15. P

    tannins in tank water?

    sorry if i got the spelling wrong btw I'm cycling my betta tank yes its 5 gallons heated and filtered and my tank water is yellow as i put a lump of driftwood in the tank i did soak it for 4 days in treated water changing the water every day until it was clear yet i still got a whole heap of...
  16. A

    how many and which kind of fishes can i put in 5 gallon tank?

    i like tetra,guppies but also tell some kind of good fishes in this tank. tell an other type of fishes but give information about these also.i am a beginner and i don't know more about an aquarium and all about it.
  17. A

    Will two leopard geckos (male and female) be happy in a 40 gallon tank?

    With about 4 hides... Or should I go for a 29 gallon (that's the closest I could find to a 30 gallon) tank with about 3 hides? Is a 40 gallon too big for two leopard geckos? They get along very nicely in a 10 gallon (I know, that's way too small) together.
  18. B

    Thinking about setting up my fish tank with live plants?

    Thinking about setting up my fish tank with live plants because I'm sick of ugly plastic ones I don't really have much idea what I'm doing or what plants are best for starters some hardy plants that are available in Australia I've only got a small tank 35 litres I also have a dwarf gourami a...
  19. C

    fish tank water test help is this right?

    there is fish in tank i tested the tank with freshwater master test kit 18/10 ph 7.6 18/10 ammonia 0.25ppm 18/10 nitrite 0ppm 18/10 nitrate 5.0ppm 20/10 ph 7.4 20/10 ammona 1ppm 20/10 nitrite 0ppm 20/10 nitrate 0.5ppm 21/10 ammona 1ppm 22/10 ph 7.4 22/20 ammonia 1ppm 22/10 nitite 0ppm...
  20. A

    Chase Watch: Keselowski?s empty fuel tank tightens up the points race

    For a significant portion of Saturday night's Bank of America 500 at Charlotte, status quo looked like it was going to be maintained at the top of the points standings. Brad Keselowski, Jimmie Johnson and Denny Hamlin, the top three drivers in the points standings entering the Chase, were...