
  1. S

    What is a reliable way to raise the PH of a fish tank?

    Our betta fish is very sick. The ph is around 6.4 which is too low, even changing some of the water didn't really help much. Help, what should I do?
  2. C

    what should my gnome tank spec?

    i have a gnome tank that i just started and i dont know whether to spec fury, arms, or protection. im pretty sure its not protection but still, i need some help
  3. G

    How can i catch a baby pike for my Huge tank, and what bait should i use to catch it?

    The lakes around where i live are full of pike, and i would really like to catch a baby one.. like a fry or 1-2".. but im wondering how im going to do this, what bait to use etc etc.. any help would be great.
  4. J

    What glass thickness do i need for a fish tank ?

    im thinking of making a tank, 60 x 40 x 40, that should be around 21 gallons, but i dont know how thick the glass should be, can anyone direct me to a site or tell me how thick, thanks
  5. Jordan

    what is the smallest and cheapest 360 fish tank?

    and i would like to add cherry barbs and or platies
  6. M

    Best fish for my community tank?

    I have a twenty gallon community tank. I cycled it then put in a male betta, 2 cory cats, and 3 platys, each new species put in a month apart. They have all got along so far and are fairly active. My tank has black gravel and plenty of silk plants because i'm kinda afraid to put in live plants...
  7. S

    How far can I get on a full tank of gas in a Lexus, is250, 2009 if traveling 70

    mph on a highway.? Wondering how far I could get, and how long (time wise) it would take,
  8. S

    How far can I get on a full tank of gas in a Lexus, is250, 2009 is traveling 70

    mph on a highway.? If I travel non-stop on a highway going 70 mph, how far and how long would I get. Time and milage?
  9. M

    How to clean a rusty tank in the 19 foot boat?

    A friend of mine bought a nice boat and completely restored it. The only problem is that the tank is build in the floor and he can't take it out. It is an older boat therefore it has some rust in the tank. He tried to clean it, sucked it out with vacuum etc After a while the rust mixes with...
  10. M

    What size fish tank do i need for five goldfish?

    The science fair is coming up and my project is on goldfish.The requirements are that for each subject (in plants and animals) requires that i have 5 test subjects. So i need to buy two tanks for ten goldfish. (Five per tank). So can anyone tell me what size tank i need?
  11. J

    Honey Gourami in a 20 gallon fish tank, I have a 20 gallon tank, and all i

    got in there at the moment is 2 hon? i was wondering what would be nice and stand out in my tank something quite big, i got 2 honey gourami's and a plec in there at the moment and my tanks been running for 3 months now.
  12. S

    What is the red worm in my fish tank?

    I have a 5 gal. fish tank I keep triops in. I recently changed from rocks to sand since they like to dig. I used some construction grade sand that I sifted and cleaned before using. Seems to be fine and the triops like it. Anyway, this morning I was looking in the tank and saw a little red worm...
  13. B

    How often should I change the water in my New 10 gal Fish tank?

    I just bought a 10 gallon fish tank (fresh water obviously) with a filtering system, heater, I bought some water conditioner as well. So Im wondering how often I should be changing the water in these first few days of having my tank to prevent my fish from dieing.
  14. K

    55 gallon fish tank, OK for 2 Orandas and 2 Ranchus?

    Or would 2 Orandas and 1 Ranchu be better? I already have the Orandas but am looking into getting 1 or 2 Ranchus.
  15. K

    Honda Civic - Gas tank question?

    I filled up my 2003 civic this morning and to my surprise it took nearly 13 gallons. I stopped pumping before the auto shutoff kicked in. Before I pumped my gauge said it was just above E so I never thought it would take that much. I then drove over 150 miles to my destination and the gauge...
  16. T

    problem filling my opel calibra fuel tank. it cuts as if the tank is full whiles it

    is not.? this problem started after i sent my fuel tank to be washed.
  17. A

    how to make sunken ship for fish tank ?

    i have a big fish tank around 4x2x2 ft ! and i want to make sunken ship ( wrecked ship ) by my self ! so can any 1 help me how to make 1 !
  18. M

    i am planning to have this fish after cycling my tank... is it okay or is...

    ...it way too overstocked? i asked something like this b4 but i dont know if i am overstocking it. i may be getting a 25 gallon or 20 gallon fish tank(either a 24"by 12" by 20" OR a 24" by 12" by 16") i follow the one inch of fish per gallon thingy. i will be getting this fishes... 3 cory - 2...
  19. A

    What really happens on a dual tank truck when the back tank is not working?

    I just got a 1988 Ford F-150 Lariat L6 5 Speed standard with dual tanks. I fill up the back tank and nearly filled up the front. I drove it for about 150 miles mostly on the back tank. I noticed that the back tank stayed on full the whole time. Later I go to switch back to the front tank and...
  20. A

    What really happens on a dual tank truck when the back tank is not working?

    I just got a 1988 Ford F-150 Lariat L6 5 Speed standard with dual tanks. I fill up the back tank and nearly filled up the front. I drove it for about 150 miles mostly on the back tank. I noticed that the back tank stayed on full the whole time. Later I go to switch back to the front tank and...