
  1. C

    Does anyone have a link for celebrity ghost stories with iqbal theba (s3e13)?

    A link for streaming or downloading an avi would be great but no torrents please. I've looked everywhere for the episode but I can't find it. Thanks!
  2. A

    How I Finally Got My Tubes Tied: 4 Stories From Real Women

    More and more women are making the decision to be childfree--but that doesn't mean it's getting any easier to find a doctor who is supportive of or willing to perform an elective tubal ligation on a childfree woman under the age of 40, mostly because they're*afraid the patient will change her...
  3. L

    Websites that I can post my stories on?

    I'm constantly writing short stories and it has come to a point where my mom's and friends' opinions of my work isn't enough for me. Not in a rude way or anything, I would just like more exposure and perhaps even critique that would help me become a better writer. Do you know of any sites that I...
  4. R

    Does anyone have any of the deleted fictionpress stories by RockFan?

    Does anyone have any of the deleted fictionpress stories by the author RockFan? I'm looking specifically for her stories Phone Calls From a Rockstar, any of the Phone Calls side stories (Of Apples and Trees, In My Father's Shadow, Out of the Shadow, Sacked in the Backfield, etc.), Rookie...
  5. B

    where can I post original stories?

    I have a few short scary stories in my head and would like to post them online
  6. K

    What are some interesting Greek mythology stories?

    I have having to do a art book for my college design class. I was thinking about doing it on greek mythology, so I wanted to know what are some interesting stories from greek mythology?
  7. A

    ‘I Haven’t Eaten Lunch Away From My Desk In 20 Years’: 8 True Stories

    Sometime within the last few weeks, eating lunch away from one’s desk suddenly became the cool thing to do. Arianna Huffington challenged her staff at the Huffington Post to eat lunch away from the office. McDonald’s launched an ad campaign promoting the joys of leaving the office to eat, “free...
  8. Y

    I am searching web sites that will give me class room ice breakers stories, jokes

    and interesting ppt slides? that can be presented at class room for making interesting attention.
  9. A

    Poll: IUD Horror Stories Terrify Me–Are They Bad For Women?

    I have made it clear on this very website that I'm still pretty sure I don't want to have children, which means that, until someone will perform a tubal ligation on my young, young fallopian tubes, I am either chained to expensive and*burdensome*birth control, or I need to invest in an IUD. But...
  10. T

    My book. Should I flesh out stories?

    I'm retired, and writing a book about the funny things that happened with dogs and security guards over my forty-plus years as owner of a large canine security company. All stories are true, and I expect the manuscript to contain about 40,000 words. Many events require no more than two or three...
  11. C

    Interesting stories from the lives of prophets and saints?

    I read somewhere that prophet Muhammad once found a cat sleeping on the top of his robe. So, to take his robe - he cut out a hole in it around the cat not to disturb it. What do we know about a life of Jesus between when he was a young boy and before he started preaching? He was studying in...
  12. L

    Funny stories!???????????????????

    You know those awkward silences when you say 'guess what happened to me the other day!?' and tell everyone a story that gets you them in fits of laughter. What story do you tell, so in other words what have you done that is so funny it can get people crying with laughter? Funniest story gets the...
  13. G

    Beyond 42: Stories Telling Science

    Skeptically Speaking 156: This week, we're experiencing the power of stories to communicate science. Join us for Beyond 42: How Science Can Use Stories to Explain Life, the Universe and Everything. This event, recorded live in Edmonton, features Scientific American Blog Editor Bora Zivkovic...
  14. C

    Would like to hear stories from people that had LASIK done in the past 2 yrs.?

    I'm scheduled for LASIK surgery next wk. After doing a lot of research and talking to friends. Most have recommended this procedure. However, looking at this website, it has really freaked me out. I expected my eyes to be dry and get the halo + light sensitivity, but this...
  15. M

    First kiss stories? Comment read laugh smile remember and share yours:)?

    Okay I had my first kiss this year! I pt was on my thirteenth birthday and it was with this cute little kid(he was WAYYY shorter than me). He dated one of my best friends and they kissed and had a good relationship, so I wanted a good cute relationship like theirs wich is why when he told me he...
  16. C

    Fanfiction Stories Suggestions?

    I would like Harry Potter fanfiction stories suggestions fitting the following criteria: Couple: Hermione Granger and Severus Snape (and do not start with its gross yada yada. You are entitled to your opinion and I to mine thus do NOT write a comment to that effect because I will report it...
  17. A

    Name of movies about Stories of struggle ?

    Name of movies about Stories of struggle ? suggest to me some movies name
  18. P

    Embarrasing or funny period stories of you or a friend and advice?

    Im 13 and i haven't started my period yet and i think im going to soon and i want to hear some incidents of what have happened to people and hey its good to laugh every once in a while:) and i would also like some advice on what to do to prevent these funny and embarrasing moments from...
  19. C

    What Are Some Good Scary Stories To Read?

    Ok so I am obsessed with reading scary stories<3 I love watching scary movies, and I also write some scary stories to :) I haven't read a scary story in a while, and when I do I really want to read a very scary story. I don't think that scary books are that scary, that's why I watch scary...
  20. K

    Help for narrative short stories please!?

    I need ideas on what i should write my short story on and also ideas on how i should start it because i suck at starting stories! Thank you very much!