First kiss stories? Comment read laugh smile remember and share yours:)?


New member
Jan 16, 2012
Okay I had my first kiss this year! I pt was on my thirteenth birthday and it was with this cute little kid(he was WAYYY shorter than me). He dated one of my best friends and they kissed and had a good relationship, so I wanted a good cute relationship like theirs wich is why when he told me he liked me I said I liked him back and we dated. So then after school we went to the school veiled and kissed. I was really scared and embarssaed and blushing and it was really awkward. He was a bad kisser :p then I went to track lol. The whole relationship was awkward:p And the kiss sucked it was so gross and ewes I don't know what I was thinking. And when I say cute I mean like baby cute, he really wasn't attractive. Now that I look back I'm like ew... Is this normal? And what do u think of this? Thanks!!!

Noww share yours :) the best one gets best answer!
I was about 8 at the time. I was walking home with another girl in my class. We started goofing around and she started acting real friendly. I was curious what she was up to, so I backed away but I purposely tripped over a small pile of snow. When I was on my back she came down on top of me and kissed me on the mouth. We were right by the curb of a very busy street. I always wondered what the people driving by must have thought seeing these two little kids on top of each other like that. I still think it's funny.