
  1. M

    Using the data in the table Satellites of the Solar System, identify the orbital...

    ...resonance relationship? between Titan and Hyperion. 1) 2:1 2) 3:2 3) 4:3 4) 5:4
  2. R

    What is are costs of weather satellites?

    does anyone know the average price of building, putting it into orbit, etc. of a weather satellite? do you think it is worth spending that amount of money for the information we get today and the amount of time it operates in space?
  3. J

    Physics-Math help. satellites in Space.?

    I have to draw a scale model of the earth, moon, International Space station, and a geosyncronous satellite on a large posterboard. I need help with the scales. 1. If earth = 4 centimeters in diameter and 1 cm = 3.2x10^6 kilometes, how many cm is earth from moon? (small number) 2. The space...
  4. R

    Could an earth based telescope see satellites positioned around Mars?

    I know the Hubble telescope can produce microscopic pictures of Mars, but what about a telescope on earth? I don't mean a $100 walmart telescope either, but the million dollar NASA ones. If so, please try to provide the closest pictures you can find that used and state they used an Earth based...
  5. P

    What would life be like w/o seat belts, cars, and satellites?

    even if life w/o it, what would it be like? ex: con w/oseat belts ppl woould die w/o cars ppl will have to walk ride bikes, be late to work w/o satellites, no phones, TVs, radio pro: w/o seat belts nothing is going to have a positive outcome cuz someone willeventually die cars give...
  6. B

    Blackberry Pearl 8130 with US Cellular: how to lock onto satellites for GPS?

    I just got this less than a week ago. It takes a long time to connect, but I've connected before using Blackberry maps. I was outside for like half an hour and it connected and sort of worked. Now, inside or outside, I try connecting Google Maps and it takes maybe like 5-10 minutes and...
  7. T

    Why are small ham radio antennae shaped like a satellites?

    Does it help to make antennae shaped like a cube or is it better to have them on one plane(flat)? Are there methods for calculating the size and ratio of the vanes? Sorry so layman terms I don't know much about aerials. (but I do know Shinoloa) Oh the reason I ask is I want to make a cool and...
  8. C

    What kind of orbits do "spy" satellites have?

  9. M

    Can Direct TV technicians set up HD satellites to tripods on apartment balconies?

    I currently have a direct tv dish mounted on my apartment balcony rail and want to upgrade to HD. The new HD dish is almost twice the size and weight and will not stay connected to the rail my current dish is on and is limited in it's direction, meaning facing the satellites(direct tv...
  10. A

    Google and satellites?

    Will google (or anybody or anything else for that matter) ever release to the public a satellite that is live and you can see whatever is happening in the world at the same time?
  11. C

    Has anyone seen the Ufo's / Satellites at night?

    or is it just me? i live in the bay area but my cousins in los angeles see them at night too. can someone tell me what they are ??? they flash colors and are shaped like triangles but they ARE NOT planes...planes don't fly that low in domestic areas..
  12. B

    Moon Satellites.......................?

    ok there are some satellites circling the moon from india and japan and maybe some other ones i dont know but if there are satellites orbiting the moon then why dont we see atlease a tiny shadow going accross the moon. i mean common the moon is very bright at night we should atleast see something.
  13. K

    the 2 satellites that collided.........was one of them used for electronic... transfers? are there any conspiracy theories about this collision?
  14. B

    Will a physicist help us understand how the two satellites collided last week?

    I could swear that in my Physics class last semester, that for a satellite to be at a certain altitude, it had to go a certain velocity. In my simplistic view (I hate Newton and his dang gravity and rotational motion crap! lol), if all the satellites at that altitude are going the same speed...
  15. S

    C,mon! What are the odds of two satellites colliding?

    Seems odd that two tiny satellites managed to crash into each other. The likelihood of this is astronomically remote I would think. What say you? Conspiracy theories anyone?
  16. B

    Online satellites for WSOP 2009 smaller events?

    I am trying to find a satellite to get into one of the WSOP $1500 tournaments. Does anyone know any poker rooms online that do that?
  17. T

    How big are space satellites?

    the littlest satellites are about the size of a basketball. the biggest are almost as big as a semi-trailer. most are the size of a filing cabinet.
  18. D

    How will the space program and the rest of the satellites survive all

    the space debris? Shouldn't a large capturing net or a huge magnet be deployed to clean up?
  19. D

    Two Satellites crash. intentional?

    Where was the Satellites located at the time of impact? Is there a central location that tracks all Satellites? Was it a military Satellite? What are the odds of this happening naturally?
  20. S

    how many other satellites have ever collided ?

    2 collided the other day and i thoughtSo Many Sattelites , Only 1 Collision ?