
  1. W

    so many countires and companies are shooting satellites into space. who coordinates

    everything? who makes sure no two satellites crash into each other?
  2. J

    How powerful are the satellites that can view us on earth,like google earth?

    I remember in 1967 at the Canadian Expo in Montreal they were able to see the date on a dime placed on the sidewalk! So if they had that technology then, What do they have now? Or is it classified? Like other spy products.
  3. H

    how many satellites are there in outer-space?

    i need to know this answer ASAP
  4. M

    What are the people who go in satellites (space probes?) called?

    I think thats it. Otherwise theyre just astronauts
  5. J

    PHYSICS HELP!!! about gravitational force, satellites, and orbit energy?

    One way to attack a satellite in Earth orbit is to launch a swarm of pellets in the same orbit as the satellite but in the opposite direction. Suppose a satellite in a circular orbit 500 km above Earth's surface collides with a pellet having mass 4.0 g. a) What is the kinetic energy of this...
  6. J

    Tom Tom Satellites Problems ?

    Does anyone else have problems with getting signal on there tom tom if so how did you fix it... thanks
  7. M

    Do satellites have lights on them?

    My parents and I were staring at the sky tonight because the stars were AMAZINGLY clear, and we observed a tiny object appear from nowhere, traveling far too fast to be a plane and far, far too high up to be one either. It wasn't a shooting star, because another one appeared a couple of minutes...
  8. R

    can one see satellites with telescope / scope / binoculars?

    is it possible to see satellites with telescope / scope / binoculars. if so then of what specification should the instrument be
  9. H

    Satellites What Was It?

    Sometime Last Summer I Was Looking For Satellites With Just My Eyes. And I Seen Three Moving Together All At Once You Know There Was Two Side By Side And The Other One Was In The Back Off To The Right From The Other Two. But There Was A Great Distance Between All Three Like 2 Or 3 Hundred Yards...
  10. D

    Are satellites a spy threat to our lives?

    How many many satellites are there out there, hundreds, thousands, hundred-thousand if even more? Can they look over us at our everyday lives? If they can could they not use that to there advantages by looking out for terrorists attack plans and other threats.
  11. C

    How many satellites are in orbit? ?

    ALOOOT... somewhere in the millions
  12. D

    Where are the satellites we sent into space?!?! The Viking ETC.?

    I read that we passed Pluto a few years ago... But how far in the Universe are we NOW?!?!?!
  13. A

    Science test help. . . Orbits, Satellites etc. ?

    Hi! I am a 13 yr old girl and I have just switched groups at my school, causing my whole timetable, topics and teachers to change. In Science I have a test coming up on Wednesday and have not been their for the topics of Space. It goes into quite alot of detail and I would be very very grateful...
  14. S

    what are meteorological satellites and how do they benefit mankind?

    uhm,this is a question from my Geoscience worksheet about satellites and im too lazy to look in my book so yeah :3 help me!