
  1. I

    For any of you who read the Book "Someone like you" by Sarah Dessen?

    What would be a good summary fo it? Is it fas ot slow read? Please help. Thanks much:)
  2. T

    Is Sarah Palin is a Joke?

    So how many people think Palin is a joke that just isn't funny anymore?
  3. S

    Are you as excited as I am about the Sarah Palin Reality show coming out on DVD? How

    many times can you watch? Won't it be exciting to watch her put a worm on a hook and fish over and over and over? I sure hope, like her and insane mccain's campaign that they include all the bloopers.
  4. G

    Sarah Main - Pacha Mainroom (Guest James Talk)-SAT-12-19-2010-TALiON

    Category: Music-MP3 (House) Size: 177.3 MB Files: 14 (9 pars) Group: a.b.inner-sanctum .NFO: View NFO Posted: Sun December 19th 17:34:54 UTC Download NZB
  5. O

    How Many Countries Has Sarah Palin Traveled To ?

    Not sure, but I doubt she has been to all the 57 states that Hussein told us all about.
  6. S

    If Sarah Palin becomes President in 2012, will Libs whine & cry even more

    about her than they did with Bush? Or will the Libs just say "That's it! We're Finished! Game over man! Game over" and shoot themselves in the head? OOOOhhhhhhh! "That scary woman from Alaska!" "She believes in Gun Rights!" "She hunted and shot a Caribou on TV last night!" "Barbra Walters...
  7. P

    Why was "Why do liberals still rant about Sarah Palin but ignore all the

    goofs from obumbler?" deleted? The liberal news seem to jump on anything they can about Palin, but totally ignore the stupid things Obama does.
  8. C

    Why is PETA mad about Sarah Palin caribou hunting?

    One of the caribou's functions in the ecosystem is to feed predators. I am assuming PETA is OK with wolves hunting caribou. They only seem to get upset when humans kill them, especially if they appear to be enjoying themselves. Do you think the caribou cares if the predator is a human or a pack...
  9. R

    Is Sarah Palin lying about her outdoors experience?

    I present Exhibit One: On the self-proclaimed "Average hockey mom"'s eight week long television special, Palin demonstrates her hunting aptitude (or lack thereof), possibly alienating her once strong NRA support with her clear unfamiliarity of basic hunting safety and etiquette...
  10. W

    Is the USA selling phony democracy and phony patrotism, only Sarah Palin types

    fall for phony USA? White people in usa are fat, dumb, arrogant, sexalot, has no culture and cant' cook? if you like to live a life of sin as identified in the christian bible, then go live in USA, you will like it where sin is celebrated and prevalent. if you are moral and live with integrity...
  11. M

    is sarah palin is a country girl thats been hunting her whole life, why is her

    father telling her how to hunt? if she really is an outdoors woman in her 50s, she wouldn't need anyone to tell her anything. and no one would. yet on her ridiculous reality show, she has two men following her around giving her tips and telling her what to do like she was a child. is she really...
  12. M

    Explain a Sarah Silverman joke?

    So Sarah Silverman makes a reference in her book, The Bedwetter: Stories of Courage, Redemption, and Pee that I just don't get! Sarah discusses locations in the USA preferred by Jews (and not proffered, i.e., New Hanpshire where she was raised). She says New Hampshire is no good for it's cold...
  13. S

    Poll: Are you watching Sarah Palin's TV show?

    I saw the trailer & wtf? -__- She's like, "This is so much better than being in politics." It's like she's doing this just because she lost. o.O
  14. S

    What is a good nickname for the name Sarah?

    I was thinking and there's not a lot of nickname options when it comes to my name, and I mean like shortened nicknames like Say of 'S' but what else
  15. J

    Do you think the american voting public could actually elect Sarah Palin...

    ...president in 2012? In my opinion, I think anything is possible with the american voting public.
  16. J

    Do you think the american voting public could actually elect Sarah Palin...

    ...president in 2012? In my opinion, I think anything is possible with the american voting public.
  17. S

    If Sarah Palin got a passport, where would she travel to first and why?

    To Russia perhaps?
  18. R

    Fellow Republicans: If our Sarah adopts Penthouse's offer, will Bristol be next?

    I'm overweight, sedentary and conservative and often in some state of diminished thought processes due to MoonPie induced athersclerosos. But decide much clarity of thought - I'm just concerned that a flaunting of goodies isn't something my Mama would have considered even if our trailer were...
  19. S

    Does anything from Sarah Dessen Lock and Ket relate to your life?

    Does anything from Sarah Dessen Lock and Key relate to your life? Any personal statements about the theme and ideas?
  20. S

    Does anything from Sarah Dessen Lock and Ket relate to your life?

    Does anything from Sarah Dessen Lock and Key relate to your life? Any personal statements about the theme and ideas?