
  1. S

    can i use sand and gravel in my fish tank?

    im hoping to get a 50 gallon tank when i have more money. i dont want to throw out the gravel i have in my current tank, but i also want some sand in it. i was thinking of adding my old gravel into the tank, top it up with new gravel (i will most likely have to do this) and then put sand on the...
  2. S

    can i use sand and gravel in my fish tank?

    im hoping to get a 50 gallon tank when i have more money. i dont want to throw out the gravel i have in my current tank, but i also want some sand in it. i was thinking of adding my old gravel into the tank, top it up with new gravel (i will most likely have to do this) and then put sand on the...
  3. M

    Watch Spartacus Blood and Sand Episode 6?

    I missed episode 6, anyone know where I can watch it?
  4. S

    Got car stuck in sand. Why won't it start?

    I bottomed my car out in a mound of sand. I had to get a truck and tow rope and pull it out and now it won't start. It turns over but will not crank. I barely hit the sand and it only stalled because the clutch was not engaged. Any suggestions?
  5. S

    Got car stuck in sand. Why won't it start?

    I bottomed my car out in a mound of sand. I had to get a truck and tow rope and pull it out and now it won't start. It turns over but will not crank. I barely hit the sand and it only stalled because the clutch was not engaged. Any suggestions?
  6. L

    what does it mean when you have a shrine wit sand in a lil tray wit budda... the middle of 2 rocks nd a rake? my boyfriends stepmom has a little shrine in her kitchen and i jus wanted to know wat it meant. she has a budda in some sand on a lil black tray wit two little rocks on each side of the budda and a rake that she uses to rake the sand each day i was jus...
  7. L

    what does it mean when you have a shrine wit sand in a lil tray wit budda... the middle of 2 rocks nd a rake? my boyfriends stepmom has a little shrine in her kitchen and i jus wanted to know wat it meant. she has a budda in some sand on a lil black tray wit two little rocks on each side of the budda and a rake that she uses to rake the sand each day i was jus...
  8. L

    what does it mean when you have a shrine wit sand in a lil tray wit budda... the middle of 2 rocks nd a rake? my boyfriends stepmom has a little shrine in her kitchen and i jus wanted to know wat it meant. she has a budda in some sand on a lil black tray wit two little rocks on each side of the budda and a rake that she uses to rake the sand each day i was jus...
  9. Y

    Who knows what road tar and beach sand is, please answer this question?

    Why does road tar (C26H54) soften on a hot summer day while beach sand (SiO2) does not?
  10. L

    Can I use my triband cricket phone in sand diego? its a motorola evoke?

    I'm just asking cause Idk if I need to buy the premium extended coverage even tho its a tri band phone?
  11. H

    The House of Sand (2005)

    Category: Movies-XviD Size: 801.24 MB Files: 61 (9 pars) Group: a.b.movies .NFO: View NFO IMDB: 0373747 Posted: Tue September 1st 11:57:28 UTC Download NZB
  12. D

    I want to sand the varnish off the neck of my upright bass. Will this affect its...

    ...sound? It is a new-old-stock fully carved upright bass. The neck has a varnish of some sorts on it. I want to sand it off, down to the wood and then oil it. As it is, there is a lot of friction, and once i start to sweat, it gets gummy. I know the finish on the body dictates much of its...
  13. R

    i'm 15, please help with falling sand game!!!! :)?

    everytime i click on the falling sand game's website my internet closes and trys to re-open teh tabs please!!! I HAVE THE LATEST UPDATES ON JAVA AND FLASH PLAYERS
  14. R

    i'm trying to play falling sand online, and everytime i open it, my...

    ...internet explorer just closes.. help? idk if it's a player problem or just the site? my moms a computer tech whiz, i should know thins but i have no clue help? thanks :)
  15. B

    I want to sand down my 70 vw bug.?

    I wanted to know what type of grit of sand paper i should use to sand down the car. The paint know is a purple, but some of the paint is chipping and the original color of blue is showing. so i need to sand it down in order to get it all one level so i can primer it. Thank you
  16. P

    What Sand Paper do I use to sand down my bike ?

    What Sand Paper do I use to sand down my bike ? so i can re-paint it.. and also what is the best spray paint to use i have a yamaha dt 50 2004 and is a taccy matt black and lookin for a shiny white colour PLEASE HELP
  17. F

    sand or gravel for a fish tank?

    is it ok to us all perpus sand form home depot
  18. S

    where can i buy a sand rail body with now motor?

    and how much do u think it would cost? im pinking up a 400 big block and 6c tranny that runs for 100 bucks i wanna put it in one
  19. R

    for aquarium tank sand?

    hey i have gravel in my aquarium tank does anyone know where to get sand and what type or can u get it at ur local petstore?
  20. B

    Is it recommended that I use damp cool sand to keep the fish I caught while surf

    Hell Yeah!