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    Research Team Uses Caffeine And Fruit Flies To Pinpoint Genetic Pathways That Guide D

    Researchers from the University of Alberta are abuzz after using fruit flies to find new ways of taking advantage of caffeine's lethal effects on cancer cells - results that could one day be used to advance cancer therapies for people. Previous research has established that caffeine interferes...
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    Research Letter, Viewpoint, Invited Commentary Examine Cervical Cancer Screening Inte

    JAMA Internal Medicine Study Highlights A research letter by Zahava Berkowitz, M.S.P.H., M.Sc., of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and colleagues found that most of the 2,087 primary care clinicians surveyed recommended Papanicolaou (pap) tests sooner than recommended by...
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    Protective Properties Of Influenza Vaccines Revealed By Research

    Collaborating scientists from Nationwide Children's Hospital, Baylor Institute for Immunology Research, and Mount Sinai School of Medicine have identified an important mechanism for stimulating protective immune responses following seasonal influenza vaccinations. The study was published in...
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    Crohn's & Colitis Foundation Of America's 'Challenges In IBD Research'

    Every five years, the Crohn's & Colitis Foundation of America (CCFA) gathers top researchers in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) to set the research agenda for the next five years. The findings and recommendations of these expert workgroups are presented in a series of detailed "Challenges in...
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    Focus On The Thalamus In Multiple Sclerosis Research

    A growing body of research by multiple sclerosis (MS) investigators at the University at Buffalo and international partners is providing powerful new evidence that the brain's gray matter reflects important changes in the disease that could allow clinicians to diagnose earlier and to better...
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    i am looking for an interesting research topic of college level?

    I will be using chi square to analyze the conclusion and this is my psychology course
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    Wondering If You Should Try Acupuncture? New Research Sheds More Light On Why You Sho

    The idea of acupuncture has always terrified me. Thinking about somebody placing little needles all over my back gives me the heebie-jeebies, for lack of a better term. However, new research is here to answer my, "Why do acupuncture when you can do anything else?!" question. More » Wondering If...
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    Older Adults Learn More From Taking A Test Than Just Restudying, New Research Finds

    Older adults who haven't been in school for a while are as capable of learning from tests as younger adults and college students, according to new research published by the American Psychological Association. No matter their age or if they work or go to college full time, people appear to learn...
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    Research Offers Patients Hope For New Treatments For An Aggressive And Common Lymphom

    The powerful master regulatory transcription factor called Bcl6 is key to the survival of a majority of aggressive lymphomas, which arise from the B-cells of the immune system. The protein has long been considered too complex to target with a drug since it is also crucial to the healthy...
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    Can an aspiring author shadow people to gain research for their novel?

    You see shows like Castle where the novelist is allowed to shadow Police Detectives to gain research for their novel. To gain first hand experience of murder scenes, Investigations, interrogations, arrests, suspects, linking all the clues together to give the victim justice, some experience in...
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    New Research Says Skinny Models Don’t Actually Sell Things (Because They Make Us Feel

    A recent study by Warwick Business School found that the age-old (actually most likely decades-old—thanks, Mad Men) ad strategy to sell products by featuring skinny, beautiful women in advertisements can actually backfire. Surprised? More » New Research Says Skinny Models Don’t Actually Sell...
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    Interesting topics on Africa to do a research paper on (specific!)?

    Taking a college English course on multicultural Africa. Need help coming up with ideas for my research paper! Must be very specific im interested in medicine/healthcare. any topics that'll be relevant?
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    Mouse Model Developed To Aid In Stem Cell Research

    Cell therapy is a promising alternative to tissue and organ transplantation for diseases that are caused by death or poor functioning of cells. Considering the ethical discussions surrounding human embryonic stem cells, a lot is expected of the so-called 'induced pluripotent stem cells' (iPS...
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    New Research Using Information Technology To Improve Quality Of Health Care

    The Veterans Health Administration (VHA) is aiming to become a leader in using health information technology (HIT) to change the way patients experience medical care, to decrease medical mistakes, and to improve health outcomes. A special March supplement of Medical Care highlights new research...
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    Two New Documents To Guide Researchers In Carrying Out Dual Use Research Of Concern R

    First, the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy today published a draft policy for public comment that proposes to formalize the roles and responsibilities of institutions and researchers when they are conducting certain types of research on specific pathogens and toxins...
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    Innovative Infectious Disease Research On The International Space Station

    Performing sensitive biological experiments is always a delicate affair. Few researchers, however, contend with the challenges faced by Cheryl Nickerson, whose working laboratory aboard the International Space Station (ISS) is located hundreds of miles above the Earth, traveling at some 17,000...
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    Is there anyone conducting research into Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA)?

    I am very interested in performing some psychological Research into PDA. I was wondering if there is anyone else out there who is doing something similar. I am asking here because I know Yahoo answers comes up on Google Alerts. If you are conducting Research please write back and we can Network...
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    Help with research on contemporary humor and humiliation?

    essay on use or/ emphasis on humiliation/discomfort in contemporary humor
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    Interesting research topics?

    I need to write a 6 to 8 page paper for a college class and I need an interesting topic that isn't used often by tomorrow. Please answer quickly!
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    I have to write a research paper on how Roger McGough's life impacted his... Good sources? I can hardly find anything on this man. Even in the reviews of his autobiography it says he rarely tells about what caused him to write such poems. I'm screwed I guess.... Help?!