
  1. N

    Should I change my research paper topic to something that interests me?

    A prof at my university agreed to let me take one of his history courses via correspondence, because I was living out of town, on the condition that I chose an essay topic related to his research interests (since the correspondence course would result in extra work for him). I was very grateful...
  2. G

    Research in Motion Denies BBX Infringement Claims, Doesn't Know What All the Fuss Is

    After numerous public gaffes, RIM is banking on BBX, its newest platform, to help drag the company back into respectability. Unfortunately, the "BBX" name itself could be infringing on a New Mexican software maker's trademarks. More »
  3. T

    Sixth Form Students Learn Research Skills To Take Part In Key Study Into Childhood Ob

    Sixth form students at eleven secondary schools across the Midlands are being taught research skills so they can help to gather and analyse data as part of a major study into childhood obesity. The study is being funded by children's charity Action Medical Research. The sixth form students are...
  4. T

    1 In 6 Phones Carries Fecal Matter, UK Research

    A UK-wide study of mobile phones planned to coincide with Global Handwashing Day, found that one in six carries fecal matter, probably because their owners are not washing their hands with soap after using the toilet. Researchers said some of the phones were contaminated with E. coli, fecal...
  5. A

    What are some interesting research paper topics?

    I'm a Junior in high school and it has to be 6-8 pages. It can be about anything. Thanks! :o)
  6. T

    Scripps Research Scientists Reveal Surprising Picture Of How Powerful Antibody Neutra

    Researchers at The Scripps Research Institute have uncovered the surprising details of how a powerful anti-HIV antibody grabs hold of the virus. The findings, published in Science Express on October 13, 2011, highlight a major vulnerability of HIV and suggest a new target for vaccine...
  7. T

    Investing £1.3 Million In Research For Sick Children And Babies

    Action Medical Research the leading UK-wide medical research charity dedicated to helping babies and children has announced grants worth more than £1.3 million for top researchers across the country. The charity has been supporting significant medical breakthroughs for nearly 60 years, and...
  8. T

    Research Reveals $6.9B Is The Annual Cost Of Violence After Women Leave Abusive Partn

    Even after women have separated from an abusive partner, the violence still costs Canadians an estimated $6.9 billion a year, according to research at the University of British Columbia. Led by UBC Nursing Prof. Colleen Varcoe, the study - published in a recent issue of Canadian Public Policy -...
  9. T

    Potential New Treatments For Obesity And Type 2 Diabetes Following Research Finding

    Activating a specialized type of fat, known as brown adipose tissue, may help combat obesity as well as result in better glucose control for type 2 diabetes, according to new research conducted by scientists at the UC Metabolic Diseases Institute. The current UC study suggests that activating...
  10. G

    Research show mobile malware return on investment still low says Symantec

    Symantec analysis of monetization schemes behind Android malware finds current return on investment low, but it is just the beginning.
  11. G

    Research In Motion launches the BlackBerry Bold 9900 smartphone in New Zealand

    Vodafone New Zealand first to launch new smartphone with Telecom New Zealand expected to release it in coming months.
  12. T

    Incompatible Assumptions Common In Biomedical Research

    Strong, incompatible views are common in biomedicine but are largely invisible to biomedical experts themselves, creating artificial barriers to effective modeling of complex biological phenomena. Researchers at the University of Chicago explored the diversity in views among scientists...
  13. C

    what would be a interesting topic to write an immigration research paper on?

    i can be about any time period or people as long as its on immigration and since i dont feel like writing 10 pages on something i find boring i was wondering what interesting topic i could write about
  14. H

    What is an interesting astronomy-related topic to research about?

    I'm in grade 12 by the way. So please don't give a topic at university level... Please don't choose black holes or comets (other students chose those) thanks!
  15. J

    Alt med and research. We often read about hundreds of hours of research,...

    ...but where was it done? I'm doing about 600 hours of research *per year* in order to get a higher degree and it's likely to take 6 or 7 years before I'm deemed worthy. Where do these alt medders do their research? I've spent hours and hours following stuff from one kook website to another...
  16. T

    Loyola Receives Grant For Pediatric Leukemia Research

    Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine (SSOM) received a $100,000 grant to support research to treat an aggressive form of pediatric leukemia. The grant, which was funded by Hyundai's Hope on Wheels program, was presented to Loyola during a special ceremony with cancer patients and...
  17. T

    New Research Shows $6.7 Billion Spent On Unnecessary Tests And Treatments In One Year

    Researchers at Mount Sinai School of Medicine have found that $6.7 billion was spent in one year performing unnecessary tests or prescribing unnecessary medications in primary care, with 86 percent of that cost attributed to the prescription of brand-name statins to treat high cholesterol. The...
  18. M

    A good introduction for my research paper?

    I'm writing a research paper on obesity in america, and I'm kind of stuck on how I want to start the paper. I'm kind of bad with introductions, so can anybody give me tips on how to write a good introduction or give an example on how you would start the introduction
  19. M

    What are some interesting bioethics topics for a research paper?

    I can't be any of the following... Anencephalic Infants • Headless human clone program • Animals as experimental subjects (specific examples are acceptable) • Human as experimental subjects (specific examples are acceptable) • Tuskegee Syphilis Study • Gene therapy • Patenting genetic modified...
  20. G

    Stroke Victim Not Evacuated from South Pole Research Station: Your Help Needed

    A friend of mine send me this: This was my letter to Raytheon and the National Science Foundation To whom it may concern. I am writing on behalf of my mother, Renee-Nicole Douceur. I am trying to figure out by what standard you consider a stroke a non-emergency. Almost a month ago I...