
  1. M

    Ehhhhh did I accidently rape by friend lol?

    baha all night I was like zack ima rape u and crap and he was hanging upside down so I was slapping his knees and I poked his bellybutton but he flinched so I accidently touched his junk ( keep in mind we r 14 so we r all immature) and I was sitting there jumping around going ahhhhh someone...
  2. B

    what does my family murders and my rape dream mean?

    ok so like i was sleeping in my living room with my boyfriend of 5 yrs in my dream and my mom who lives 18hrs away walks in my house and says im gonna sleep in your room since your sleeping in the living room im like ok then i hear foot steps because she wasnt alone so i get up to see who shes...
  3. C

    Is being blackmailed into giving oral sex considered rape?

    For example threatening to let out a secret if it is not done? And also what charges could be brought upon a person guilty of this if any? Thanks
  4. G

    Julian Assange Rape Allegations: Questions raised, some answered

    A debate with Jaclyn Friedman and Naomi Wolf: Hat tip feministing. Read the comments on this post... More...
  5. Q

    Leviticus states you can sell your daughter into slavery + its ok to rape...

    ...women as long as you marry her after? Why don't we see those slogans outside churches in the UK as advertisements as to how great the bible is? But isn't the bible THE WORD OF GOD? Wouldn't God be pissed that you are ignoring his laws but concentrate on the teachings of Jesus
  6. M

    What is the difference between non-consensual sex, and rape?

    I was on an erotic story site and I saw something that made me curious. There was a category for non-consensual sex, and a category for rape. I've also seen the different ratings on fanfictions. I don't read them (I think it's sick), but I am curious as to what the difference would be, since...
  7. M

    Why do men like making jokes about abuse and rape?

    And they're all directed towards women. Do they not realize how SERIOUS rape and abuse really is? It doesn't really hit them until it happens to someone they love i guess. I hate jokes about rape and abuse. It's cruel and wrong. And for you stupid jerks out there, don't say anything cliche like...
  8. A

    How can you proceed a rape case if the girl doesn't want no part in the case anymore?

    Its been 8 months since the rape case was open the guy who is accused of rape has been sitting in jail since then with attorneys not telling him much information about what his outcome is. The girl is 20 or 21 and no one has talked to her since she reported the case. She allowed him to stay with...
  9. J

    Assange's Rape case is becoming a Joke on Internet. What do you think?

    I've been following this thing for awhile now and few articles I've read recently made me laugh at the rape charges made by two women and about the Sweden Govern't I thought this one was hilarious how the "victim" couldn't cover her tracks. http://rixstep.com/1/20101001,01.shtml And This one...
  10. M

    Why do so many people treat rape like its a joke?

    Yeah like I know from experience how horrible rape is... it hurts you and everyone around you, its one of the worst things ever, yet people (usually guys) treat rape like its something funny... its not funny at all. Its one of the worst things ever.
  11. G

    Rape, Deer Hunting and the War on Christmas

    Is this thing on? Hello? Hello? .... Ah, thats better. Comcast, which every day seems to do something to piss me off, had a major sub-regional outage for the last several hours, it would seem. So, we've been floating free of the Internet and a few things have accumulated. First, this...
  12. P

    Judaism permits males to rape three year old girls?

    The following passages are directly from the Soncino Babylonian Talmud by Rabbi Dr. I. Epstein on Halakhah.com Babylonian Talmud Online in English. http://www.halakhah.com/ These passages permit adult males to have sex with three year old girls. 1. Yebamoth 57b: A girl who is three years of age...
  13. C

    Dream about watching a gang rape?

    I've been searching around and I can't seem to find any info about dreams like this. So I'm walking through the park on my way to the store and I see this prostitute. We exchange names. Then I have sex with her and pay her afterwards. I get on my road bike and come back and I see that a gang...
  14. C

    Why are women so irrational when it comes to discussing rape?

    It's almost like when you point out how a woman is partially responsible in some cases (ex. poor judgement, socializing with poor character people, pushing the "teasing" envelope too far, etc) you're like a rapist yourself! It's ridiculous. Obviously there are many cases where the victim is...
  15. K

    should feminist be taken seriously when they whine about rape?

    i'm NOT saying when they're actually rape. I'm saying when they keep on complaining about it for no reason - something I notice many of them do. .
  16. B

    What is the difference between heterosexual rape and a loving consensual sexual...

    ...relationship between a man ...? ... and a woman? It's obvious right? So why is it when I distinguish between a loving consensual relationship between two straight men (albeit in prison or similar) about 50% of the respondents do not differentiate between loving/consensual and rape simply...
  17. A

    why do people joke about rape?

    this has really been irritating me for a while. i hate rape, its a disgusting and monstrous act that leaves its survivors (man or woman) traumatised. im highly against rape and have helped in campaigns and support groups to stop it and help its survivors. i hear people debating about it on the...
  18. B

    Is rape OK if you don't know what it is?

    Just imagine you don't know what rape is, or that it's bad. Say you accidentally stick your wang into some girl who doesn't want it stuck into her, but you don't know that it's bad, because nobody told you it was. Is this still morally wrong, or should this be OK? I mean the chick will live...
  19. B

    Is rape OK if you don't know what it is?

    Just imagine you don't know what rape is, or that it's bad. Say you accidentally stick your wang into some girl who doesn't want it stuck into her, but you don't know that it's bad, because nobody told you it was. Is this still morally wrong, or should this be OK? I mean the chick will live...
  20. B

    Is rape OK if you don't know what it is?

    Just imagine you don't know what rape is, or that it's bad. Say you accidentally stick your wang into some girl who doesn't want it stuck into her, but you don't know that it's bad, because nobody told you it was. Is this still morally wrong, or should this be OK? I mean the chick will live...