
  1. L

    How do you all view the new 'rape simulation' game?

    Personally I am appalled. Those that market the game say there is no difference between rape simulation and shooting simulation. I disagree as both me and my fiance play games such as Tomb Raider and whilst neither of us feel the urge to shoot anyone we are both sickened by the thought of rape...
  2. A

    Is this normal after a rape?

    I was raped a little over a year ago. I was in a serious relationship at the time. My boyfriend wasn't the guy who raped me, just so that's clear. Before being raped, I was a virgin. Almost 8 months later, my boyfriend and I decided to have sex together - no pressure or anything. But I can't...
  3. L

    Question about rape...?

    If a guy is about to rape you and at the last second he asks you if you want it in the mouth or the vagina which should you choose and why???
  4. S

    When you hear of a footballer/celebrity accused of rape what do you usually think?

    http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/2009/jan/28/robinho-manchester-city-allegations 1, Man who thinks he can do what he likes? 2, Woman looking for a story to sell to the newspapers?
  5. E

    is it satutory rape?

    ok if im 16 and my girl is 13 but her birthday is 1 month before mine so she'll be 2 years younger than me for a month,and i do her somtimes is that satutory rape?