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    is afghanistan the perfect strategical country to occupy in the region, is...

    ...that why we took it? its next to china, pakistan and iran is this why we still havent let it go? it also borders 3 ex-soviet union states and is near 2 more
  2. A

    Johnny Manziel responds to the post-Heisman spotlight with a nearly perfect Cotton Bo

    ARLINGTON, Texas -- As impressive as Texas A&M quarterback Johnny Manziel was during the Cotton Bowl -- and there haven't been many more impressive bowl performances as long as they've been playing college football -- he was just as good afterward. While we know pretty much everything we need...
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    Dancing With the Stars Backstage Scoop: Melissa Rycroft Did Not Expect a Perfect Scor

    One more day until an all-star gets that mirror ball trophy! Part one of the Dancing With the Stars finale kicked off tonight with a fierce performance from the three finalists Melissa...
  4. T

    The Perfect Fit Part I: Grace and Works - Nov 20,2012

    There are 30 things that Grace can do and 30 things that Grace cannot do. Weve been discussing several of the most important--forgiveness and fellowship. Tune in next week to hear about blessings and eternal life. You might want to read I Cor. 15:10 to see how grace can change lives and give...
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    How To Create A Perfect Vegetarian Thanksgiving Menu

    It’s a myth that when turkey’s off the menu, Thanksgiving dinner planning is a piece of cake. Especially if you happen to be hosting a dinner with an*inordinate number of vegan yogi guests, gluten-intolerants, and so on. More » How To Create A Perfect Vegetarian Thanksgiving Menu is a post from...
  6. C

    Obama tried to have stevens kidnapped! Doesnt "stand down" make perfect sense now?!?

    Obama tried to have stevens kidnapped! Doesnt "stand down" make perfect sense now?!?
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    Obama tried to have stevens kidnapped! Doesnt "stand down" make perfect sense now?!?

    Obama tried to have stevens kidnapped! Doesnt "stand down" make perfect sense now?!?
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    Survey: Create Your Perfect Man/Woman?

    1. Your Age 2. Their Height 3. Their Body Type (skinny, slim, average, big, athletic, muscular) 4. Their Hair Color 5. Their Eye Color 6. Their personality (shy, outgoing, kind, sarcastic, funny, etc) 7. Pick a few of their interests (sports, craft, art, music, etc.)
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    Aaron Rodgers has a near perfect night, throws career-best six TD passes

    Aaron Rodgers did the "Discount Double Check" when he shouldn't have. He ran up the middle for a touchdown, spiked the ball and mimicked putting on the championship belt - his celebration for rushing touchdowns - not knowing there was a holding penalty behind him to negate the play. Hey...
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    Early Aerial Photography: Cameras on Pigeons in 1907 [Past Perfect]

    These days there are plenty of opportunities to take interesting photographs from unusual angles, including strapping tiny digital cameras to birds. But some early aerial photography was rather more clunky—and used massive cameras strapped to the breasts of pigeons. More »
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    Morning Links: The Perfect Yoga Sequence For Weekend Warriors

    • The best ways to get vitamin D, naturally. (HuffPost Healthy Living) • A 20-minute Weekend Warrior yoga sequence. (FitSugar) • A healthy-living power couple let us look inside their fridge. (Well+Good NYC) • A breakfast you can make this weekend to last all week. (Organic Authority)... More...
  12. L

    Christians: is Christ divine? or just a perfect human?

    Reason I ask is many Christians who deny the trinity doctrine seem to imply that Christ, although God's Son, has no power in and of Himself... like what J-dubbs and Muslims teach. Thing is, why put faith in salvation provided by a mere fellow human? I'd rather suppose that Christ is both human...
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    Watch Christina Hendricks’ Perfect Response To Australian Reporter Calling Her ‘Full

    When Christina Hendricks sat down for an interview with Australian Sun-Herald Fashion Editor Kate Waterhouse, she probably wasn't expecting to be told that she's "full-figured." But, in a question ostensibly about her body-positive influence on fans, she was–and she handled it like a pro. More...
  14. C

    Can someone please tell me these french verbs in the perfect and future tense?

    aller, visiter, passer, aller, accompagner, partir, acheter, faire, prendre, voyager, réserver, loger. thanks :D
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    Nine-month-old Bode Dockal has already witnessed two perfect games

    Many of us have been going to baseball games for years, decades even, and have never had our hands on a live baseball, let alone come close to witnessing something historic. On the other side of the coin, you have lucky fans like 15-year-old Adam Corder in Baltimore, who have not only caught...
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    Mariners minor leaguers react to Felix Hernandez?s perfect game ? including his broth

    As one historic scene played out at Safeco Field in Seattle on Wednesday afternoon, an equally cool scene was playing out over 2,000 miles away at Pringles Park in Jackson, Tennessee. That's where the Jackson Generals — the Seattle Mariners' Double-A affiliate — play their home games, and as...
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    What is your idea of the perfect profession for the leading man in a romance novel?

    For ladies only, what would you want your leading man in a romance novel to do for a living? Foreign spy? Fireman or policeman? Professional (doctor, lawyer)? Soldier? Other? There are no wrong answers, but I'll reward the first person to come up with whatever turns out to be the most popular...
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    The Many Ways Models Are Made To Look Perfect (Hint: It’s Not Just Photoshop Fails)

    There's been a lot of harping about the problem with Photoshop lately--most notably, that excessive retouching has made it nearly impossible for women to feel good about their own porous, flawed, dimpled, freckled selves. But according to one actual photo retoucher who spoke with Buzzfeed...
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    This Gorgeous Dutch Bike Is the Perfect City Ride [Desired]

    I've got a FAST custom road bike. I love it, but in the city it feels like a sports car. It needs a lot of TLC, and I've got to constantly worry about it getting stolen. For what? To be stuck in traffic? I need a killer city bike like the Vanmoof 5.7. More »
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    Giuliana Rancic Has The Perfect Solution To Post-Baby Weight Loss: A Surrogate

    Ladies, I don't know why you're all worrying your pretty little heads about how you're going to immediately drop that baby weight so you can dance like Beyonce just months after giving birth. Because, according to an absolutely ludicrous article by Radar Online, Giuliana Rancic has already...