
  1. D

    how do we create a more organized and efficient call of duty 4 clan on gamebattles?

    We have had nuermous clans and they have all been complete failures except for doubles. we have problems making kills that we should easily make and we just get too mad and frustrated with other members. how do we fix this and if you have anymore tips please tell!
  2. O

    what is the best most organized yellow pages thing on the internet?

    i tried and they are just to unorganized, what is a better site?
  3. R

    Is the Catholic church the largest single organized religion?

    Islam is possible but they aren't organized like the Catholic church.
  4. D

    Does organized religion exist because of a human weakness?

    And instead if trying to rectify that weakness, does organized religion exploit it, profit from it and ensure that the weakness is perpetuated generation after generation after generation? You know, the human weakness I’m talking about is the tendency for humans to believe in absurdities and be...
  5. S

    Why is organized religion a threat to humanity?

    In a question I posted about 10 minutes ago a bunch of people said organized religion is a threat to humanity and prohibits intellectual growth or something like that, but how is it? If I want to go to church how does that affect my intelligence? Can anyone explain to me why organized religion...
  6. A

    if a person doesnt believe in organized religion do you think they'll go to hell?

    of course it's not for yu to judge :) I'm catholic but I dont believe in it..I believe in God though and my interest in any organzied religion is waving off..i find all religions unfair in certtain what do ya'll think? will i go to hell just b/c i didnt believe in a particular religion...
  7. A

    A person once organized Nostradamus's quatrains in chronological order...?

    Does anyone know if the organization is on the Internet? If there's a link?