
  1. M

    How is Judaism outside the US organized?

    I know modern American Jews have developed denominational-like structures such as Reformed/Progressive, Orthodox and Conservadox, and to some extent in parts of Europe as well. How would Jews in places like Greece, Spain, France, Italy, etc. be classified? Simply as Sephardic? Would they be...
  2. S

    how are internet newsgroups organized?

    need help.........
  3. S

    how are internet newsgroups organized?

    need help.........
  4. S

    how are internet newsgroups organized?

    need help.........
  5. S

    how are internet newsgroups organized?

    need help.........
  6. M

    i play 3 sports and need an organized workout!?

    i play bball futbol and track( 400 200 LJ) and i need to practice all 3 but can i do that everyday? ill try to take one day off too! so if anyone can gimme a cool scheduale thatll be great, the things i try are: bball dribbling drills shooting drills combo of both futbol passing dribbling...
  7. T

    Survey: Are you organized?

    *Prove your answer by HOW you answer the question.
  8. S

    I don't like organized religion, how about you?

    I choose to believe in God or higher power out there. I know I'm a pretty good person and I try to be. I just think religions are so wrong in some of their beliefs. I think some people use God as a tool to control other people. Also, I think that some religions try to make people feel bad or...
  9. T

    Spiritually speaking, is ORGANIZED religion NECESSARY....?

    Christians and all other religions, in my opinion, just use church as a way to socialize and the church itself to make a profit. Why do the churches need to spread the word of God in organized religions when God is omnipotent he can just spread it himself. Having all these stupid religions is...
  10. E

    Who concocted organized religion?

    These "Religious Righters" say that Moses talked to God through a bush that was on fire, the Red Sea parted and came back together with all the Pharohs and drowned them, Noah built and ark and somehow managed to cram two of every species in the world on it... They accept creationism as pure...
  11. B

    Im getting sick of organized religion?

    Then you may die for instance jerk...!! lol
  12. I

    Important works on Mystics vs. Organized Religion?

    Can anyone give me references in the scholarly literature to the cultural conflict or at least dichotomy between mystics and organized religion? Either general discussions or, for example, mainstream Christianity vs. the Gnostics or other mystics; early Yoga vs. the Vedas; Taoists vs. other...
  13. M

    internet sites for stories about organized crime?

    any good sites that have the details about mob hits and capers. Turf wars, bikers and stuff like that? Wikipedia has a lot of info, but i've read it all.
  14. M

    Internet sites for stories about organized crime?

    any good sites that have the details about mob hits and capers. Turf wars, bikers and stuff like that? Wikipedia has a lot of info, but i've read it all.
  15. T

    Atheists/Agnostics, if it weren't for organized religion, do you think you'd

    believe in God? Another atheist made this comment on a previous question. As an agnostic I really don't think there is sufficient evidence to support one side or the other-this is simply my opinion though. However sometimes I wonder, if it weren't for organized religion, if I would in fact...
  16. T

    Organized MMA fight club for teens?

    So me and my friends just started this organized fight club thing in my friends barn...we had a much bigger turn out then expected about 35 ppl showed up we set up a ring had UFC gloves and mouthguards. People would volunteer to fight each other but after some videos getting put on youtube we...
  17. J

    Would evidence of intelligent life on other planets discredit Organized Religion?

    God does not talk about any other planet but Earth.
  18. N

    In MTV Cribs, are the celebrities' refrigerators really that organized...?

    Yeah, some one probably pays them to put their product in their fridge when cribs comes. Who knows really though, they could all just really love juice =p
  19. J

    Atheists, isn't organized religion a good thing?

    Would we really want the people who think they need to pray to God to solve their problems to lose the belief in God? remember, these are the people that can't figure out for the life of them why atheists have ethics and morals. If they can't figure that out, doesn't that kind of indicate...
  20. B

    How do you justify having organized religion in the modern world?

    there's really no excuse for it, now is there? We ought to have long since eliminated this scourge. how shameful