
  1. H

    Who needs neocons when you've got Obama running US foreign policy?

    I wonder if in Neocons will start migrating back to the Democratic party over the next 10-20 years.
  2. T

    Who spends more, John Edwards on his haircuts or Obama on vacation?

    Classic liberal knee jerk response, Meredith. At least try to think
  3. S

    How is this for censorship in Obama's open government? Funny stuff.?

    http://www.breitbart.com/InstaBlog/2013/02/02/White-House-Warns-Don-t-Photoshop-Obama-Gun-Pic Another fake picture of him, I would guess made up the same place as his social security number. Maybe on the white house lawn. Phil, why are You keeping track of Me.
  4. A

    Jim Harbaugh responds to President Obama, says size of son?s head bodes well for foot

    Jim Harbaugh never stops sizing up the competition out on the football field — even if it doesn't really exist. He also has an interesting view on which attribute predicts a good football future. The San Francisco 49ers head coach was asked on Monday about President Obama's remarks that he...
  5. V

    President Obama Doesn’t Like the NFL

    [No message]
  6. S

    Did you vote for Obama or Romney?

    Did you vote for Barack Obama or Mitt Romney?
  7. G

    Michelle Obama's Stately Style: Her Top 10 Looks Ever

    Inauguration Day is finally here, which means we're mere hours away from finally getting a look at Michelle Obama's dress for the historic occasion! * She wowed us in a white Jason Wu...
  8. J

    right wing news sources think they're so smart saying Obama is getting back from

    his Hawaiian vacation? like people don't know he's from Hawaii. But people know right? That's how you can tell you watching a right wing news show. They didn't say Bush is getting back from his Texas vacation, they'd say Bush is getting back from spending 3 months at his ranch ( which would...
  9. T

    Advice for nephew who wants to join (Obama's gay) Army?

    My nephew has talked of wanting to join the Army for years, which is why I was especially personally angry when Obama ended DADT and let gays into the military. I knew my nephew would still want to join even though he'd be prey for all types of attacks and be in danger because men can't trust...
  10. B

    Why is Obama demanding middle class tax hikes?

    The House has passed a bill that will preserve the current tax rates for the middle class. He has said that he will not sign the bill. He must want to see middle class rates rise.
  11. J

    Did Barack Obama use the Sandy Hook Shooting to push tax hikes?

    Did Barack Obama use the Sandy Hook Shooting to push tax hikes? Does Barack Obama hate America? Does Barack Obama hate White people? Does Barack Obama hate Christians? Is Barack Obama a Muslim? Is Barack Obama similar to Hitler? Is Barack Obama the "Anti-Christ"? Is Barack Obama a...
  12. A

    President Obama: NHL players, owners need to ?do right by your fans?

    When President Barack Obama previously opined on the NHL lockout, he was on "The Tonight Show" and told Jay Leno that "ya'll should be able to figure this out. Get this done." "Ya'll" in that case being the NHL owners and players. On Thursday, Obama was asked about the lockout again, because...
  13. C

    Does Obama not get it, traveling to Pennsylvania for another campaign stop?

    he won, can't he understand he needs to be in the white house organizing the soup lines so his peeps don't starve? OK WE GOT IT YOU WON SO ENJOY THE SOUP LINES.
  14. S

    Do you agree with my predictions regarding Obama and Fiscal Cliff and Sequestor?

    1. Obama will pretend to participate in "serious" negotiations with the Republicans in the House of Representatives to resolve the Sequestor, the Fiscal Cliff, and Debt Ceilng crisis. 2. As a potential agreement emerges, Obama will quietly and behind closed doors intentionally increase his...
  15. G

    Poll/Survey: Do you like Obama's "Hope and Change"?

    Reauthorize the Patriot Act Signed the NDAA 202 to allow the indefinite detention of US Citizens. Expanded the War on terror Escalated the WAr on Drugs Ordered the kill of a US Citizen(s) without due process. Processed with warrantless spying on US Citizens Tripled the number of US Troops...
  16. V

    Picture: Barack Obama Not Impressed

    Check out this Barack Obama not impressed picture. As you can see in the picture below, the President decided to copy McKayla Maroney’s famous pose from the Olympics. If you remember correctly, McKayla Marony’s not impressed face was originally as a result of not winning a gold medal...
  17. T

    4 More Years! What Will Happen? Congratulations Obama - Nov 08,2012

    The 1 Drs. want to thank you for going out to VOTE! President Barack Obama on Tuesday won a second term in the White House, defeating Republican challenger Mitt Romney in a hard-fought election that served as a referendum on who could better ease Americans' economic pain and uncertainty. Obama...
  18. G

    Chris Rock Pitches Caucasians on a White President You Can Trust: Barack Obama

    It's high time we Chris Rock the vote, which is exactly what happened Friday night on Jimmy Kimmel Live when the politically savvy comic made the case that "Barack Obama is the white...
  19. D

    Why Are There More Funny Videos Of Obama Voters Than Romney Voters On YouTube?

    Why is that? George- Silly spinner You guys- You know why I asked this....Thank you everybody. Thanks.
  20. C

    Obama tried to have stevens kidnapped! Doesnt "stand down" make perfect sense now?!?

    Obama tried to have stevens kidnapped! Doesnt "stand down" make perfect sense now?!? http://m.bing.com/search/?q=benghazi+a+botched+kidnapping+attempt+ordered+by+obama&qs=n&form=QBLH&pq=benghazi+a+botched+kidnapping+attempt+ordered+by+obama&sc=0-0&sp=-1&sk=&mid=10006