
  1. E

    Why are republicans more concerned with defeating Obama than with fixing anything?

    Maybe thats why they will lose....
  2. U

    Why do conservatives complain about Obama's wife vacationing at the...

    ...expense of taxpayer dollars? In ancient times, the wife of a king was treated very well with many perks. Free vacations are hardly comparable to what the wife of a Pharaoh or Chinese emperor would have enjoyed. I believe more of our tax dollars should go to fund her extravagant vacations in...
  3. T

    Are Republicans a total joke whining that Obama stands in the way of the...

    ...domestic oil industry? Did you catch Rock Center last night on NBC? There is an oil field estimated at twice the size of Prudhoe Bay, Alaska in North Dakota and oil companies are drilling their socks off as fast as they can get enough help to do the work. There are thousands of job...
  4. T

    Are Republicans a total joke whining that Obama stands in the way of the...

    ...domestic oil industry? Did you catch Rock Center last night on NBC? There is an oil field estimated at twice the size of Prudhoe Bay, Alaska in North Dakota and oil companies are drilling their socks off as fast as they can get enough help to do the work. There are thousands of job...
  5. A

    Why do conservatives complain about President Obama's wife vacationing at

    the expense of taxpayer dollars? In ancient times, the wife of a king was treated very well with many perks. Free vacations are hardly comparable to what the wife of a Pharaoh or Chinese emperor would have enjoyed. I believe more of our tax dollars should go to fund her extravagant vacations in...
  6. B

    Why is Obama's bus tour being called the "flying bus tour"?

    Is it because they fly the buses all over eating up more money , burning more fuel to drive the price up gas up and create more inflation. Heard instead of creating jobs here the buses were bought in canada. what a joke how about if pigs could fly tour lol
  7. A

    Dear Mrs. Obama & Mrs. Biden: I am a 46 yr-old widow, but my govt refuses to

    aknowledge me as such, because...? due to my age, and the fact that due to a genetic disorder I was unable to bear children, The law will not recognise me legally as a "true widow" until I turn 60 yrs old-another 13 years! I married at 19, and was married 20 faithful yrs, attending college, and...
  8. A

    If Republicans were complaining three years ago that Senator Obama didn't have

    enough experience...? ...then why is Herman Cain leading in the Republican primaries?
  9. M

    Obama told people to buy Chevrolet Volt. Why aren't the libs buying any Chevrolet

    volt then? Don't they consider Obama to be their messiah? Everything he says is word of God to them. Yet they aren't showing up at any Chevy dealership to buy Volt. how come? or is it the case that the libs are broke and financially in tatters themselves? You need good credit and solid income...
  10. G

    Rob Kardashian Responds to Obama Not Liking Keeping Up With the Kardashians

    It seems like Rob Kardashian's life really is changing. The latest proof? The young Dancing With the Stars competitor was a guest on Ellen (airing Monday) with his partner Cheryl...
  11. K

    Abraham Lincoln vs. Obama in an all out street brawl?

    I will take obama because black people carry guns
  12. J

    Obama kept the Patriot Act, the Iraq/Afghanistan wars going, Gitmo open

    & Corporate Welfare. Is he Bush 3? And if he is, why those who opposed Bush like him, and those who liked Bush oppose him? Are we being played by "two parties" who are really just one party?
  13. J

    Why won't any Democrat introduce Obama's Jobs bill in the House?

    What happened to "Pass this bill Now"
  14. P

    Why do conservatives complain about President Obama's wife vacationing at the...

    ...expense of taxpayer money? In ancient times, the wife of a king was treated very well with many perks. Free vacations are hardly comparable to what the wife of Pharaoh would have enjoyed. I believe more of our tax dollars should go to fund her extravagant vacations in Europe, her wild...
  15. J

    This is hilarious: Obama lovers and Obama haters will both laugh?

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vu5gFXfRO7o&feature=related @ Lisa, a virus from youtube? What kind of an idiot are you?
  16. U

    Yes or No .... Was Obama's response to a Heckler naming him as the...

    ...Anti-Christ scriptural? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9cP-FTX5tVg&feature=topvideos_news
  17. M

    Fall of the Republic Obama DVD and Endgame Blueprint for Global Enslavement DVD on

    eBay for $15, good deal? Also get a bumper sticker. http://www.ebay.com/itm/270825121296?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649
  18. I

    Why aren't Dems in congress out pushing Obama's 'jobs bill'? Why did they

    take another vacation as ppl suffer? the big - !!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. J

    After Obama is defeated in 2012 will it take more than a week to turn

    the economy around? This administration has been so anti-business that America needs a change- QUICK!
  20. O

    Will Obama take time away from his campaigning for vacations & golf next year -

    Will he take less vacations? I'm just saying that Obama might take less vacations next year because he enjoys campaigning for Presidency that's all.