
  1. Freethinker1

    is it a coincidence that the majority of Muslim countries are riddled...

    ...with corruption, persecution, civil war? little or no education, widespread poverty and disease... the list goes on how can we drag Muslims out of the stone age?
  2. I

    Republicans argued that the Health Care bill should be abandoned because a majority

    opposed it, but? ... now that the bill has been passed, new polls - even on Fox News - show that a slim majority of Americans now support the bill! Yet, the Republicans who hollered so loudly about "the will of the people" and "majority rule" have not changed their stance to match. They still...
  3. A

    Given the amount of abortions performed yearly in the US and the majority...

    ...religion there, is it safe to say...? that Christians mainly object to other people having an abortion? I look forward to your alternate theories, no true scotsman fallacies, and barely legible rants.
  4. S

    do you think the majority of people are completely lacking in humour?

    .... ty x
  5. B

    How is Lost season 6 so far? Are you still lost on a majority of prior events?

    Im into more than the end of season 4, 5 bugged me alot because I lost track of what the hell happened. What ever happened to that Daniel Faraday guy? So, how is this season so far, and what happened to that guy? ....and that wasnt a pun in my question.
  6. T

    Poll: Americans Split On Health Care Bills, But Majority Frustrated By Delays

    A new tracking poll from the Kaiser Family Foundation finds Americans with mixed views on health care reform. NPR's blog, Shots, reports on that poll: "Opinion is evenly split on overhaul legislation, with 43 percent of Americans in favor of passage and 43 percent opposed. ... But ask people...
  7. B

    Why do the majority of people have such immature sense of humor levels?

    Everyone around me is huge on prejudice jokes, terrible sexual innuendos, slapstick humor, and people being loud and making random noises. Things that I thought were funny when I was about 14, but now that I am older my sense of humor has developed, but no one else's seems to have, even people...
  8. B

    Why do the majority of people have such immature sense of humor levels?

    Everyone around me is huge on prejudice jokes, terrible sexual innuendos, slapstick humor, and people being loud and making random noises. Things that I thought were funny when I was about 14, but now that I am older my sense of humor has developed, but no one else's seems to have, even people...
  9. A

    Majority prefer Super Bowl commercials to actual game

    Most Super Bowl viewers, (last year 98.7 million people)*enjoy the advertisement’s more than the game itself, according to research conducted by Nielsen Media. The results are based on a survey of 25,000 households, with 51 percent of respondents saying they prefer the Super Bowl’s 30-second...
  10. T

    New Commonwealth Fund Survey Of Young Adults Finds Wide Majority Support Health Refor

    An overwhelming majority - 88 percent - of young adults across the political spectrum think it is important for Congress and the President to pass health reform legislation that would assure affordable health insurance for all and improve health care, according to a Commonwealth Fund survey...
  11. T

    New Commonwealth Fund Survey Of Young Adults Finds Wide Majority Support Health Refor

    An overwhelming majority - 88 percent - of young adults across the political spectrum think it is important for Congress and the President to pass health reform legislation that would assure affordable health insurance for all and improve health care, according to a Commonwealth Fund survey...
  12. T

    Do the majority of Feminists have or not have a sense of humor?

    I would ask if Feminists do, then please tell me some Feminist jokes, but I don't feel like being insulted at the moment.
  13. F

    The majority of the population in the world are Young people, why are we

    always told, "you're the future"? Why why aren't we allowed to participate in the political/socio - economical decisions of the present?
  14. W

    Is it fair to say that the majority of the Lesbian community are hypocrites?

    I've heard time and time again that many lesbian women refuse to date bisexual women because they do not like the fact that they have been with men. It goes without saying that lesbians seek to be judged on other aspects of themselves that go beyond their sexuality. That their sexuality not...
  15. D

    Why are the majority of democrats (and a few replicans?) so hell-bent on...

    ...destroying this country economically? AIG, Fannie Mae, Freddic Mac & Congress are doing their absolute best to destroy this country. Forget the (irreversable) damage and consequences it will have, just give us MORE (of YOUR) MONEY NOW (and we don't care if we have to KILL you to get it, if...
  16. D

    How did majority of the Tsunami victims die?

    The people on land I mean, like on the beach or nearby. I've seen the videos and it doesnt look like a massive "wall" of water, it just looks like how a river would flow towards you. There's a man on the beach walking in one video and it hits him and you dont see him anymore, so I assume he...
  17. L

    what religion do majority of the people in somalia worship?what language do they

    speak?what foods do they eat? what types of homes buildings they live in?
  18. B

    Why do Wii internet have flash 7 when the majority of sites have Flash 9?

    It never lets you update it and it doesn't seem to be as website would downgrade to flash 7. Eventually youtube will get up dated then what?
  19. M

    Why the majority of internet sites is full of adult matterial?

    Islam is a religion that prohibit people to see adult and sexy matterila but internet web pages is full of lovely and adult pics. What do U think? is it necessary to show adult pics or lovely pics to all people ?
  20. P

    Why is it that majority of successful black people don't complain about racism?

    Clarence Thomas, Larry Elder, etc. These people are mainly Republican and they never complain about racism yet they are the most successful blacks. Educated responses only please. Don't bother answering if the only words in your vocabulary are "racist" and "bitch." Thank you. Yes I know there...