
  1. B

    US Christians - What do you think about the phrase 'Tyrrany of the Majority'?

    I've honestly heard it said that because there are more Christians in the US it should be considered a Christian nation, and somehow because of that Christians should have a stranglehold over government legislation. So when this is described as the tyranny of the majority, what could be refered...
  2. W

    Do the majority of Christians, including the mainline Christians support...

    ...Messianic Judaism? I just logged in and visited my previous question about Messianic Jews and was surprised to see 100 comments. I read in that thread that a lot of Christians support Messianic Judaism. Is that true...
  3. D

    do the majority of Christians accept evolution .. just not abiogenesis?

    if not why?
  4. H

    Why do LGBT claim majority of Americans support Gay marriage?

    When statistics say otherwise, even far left California didn't vote to make gay marriage legal.
  5. T

    New safefood Research Reveals Majority Of The Irish Population Are Consuming Too Much

    safefood announced the findings of new in-depth research(1) into the dietary salt intake of the Irish population at a conference in Cork. The research study, commissioned by safefood, is the most extensive of its' kind to date in the adult Irish population. The aim of the study was to provide...
  6. L

    The vast majority of the bills introduced to legislature every two years in...

    ...both chambers are? a. passed b. killed c.withdrawn d.still under debate Rewarding faithful party workers with government employment is called a. executive privilege b. patronage c. an expressed power d. logrolling A __________ seat is one which is predictably won by one party.
  7. P

    Why does the majority of Christians like jews?

    when u believe that it was the jews who crucified Jesus? Why would u still like someone who supposedly killed your "Lord"?
  8. A

    this name of this shirt matches a majority of ufc fans dont you think? LOL
  9. M

    Why do the vast majority of Christians assume that...?

    Why do the vast majority of Christians assume that being an "atheist" automatically renders you a hard-core evolutionist, and a firm believer of Big Bang Theory? In addition, why are atheists - that is, simply, people without a religion - bundled into a category as being conspiring / fighting...
  10. H

    character name help?? I'm using whatever the majority votes best?

    So he's a very, very mysterious character who has black hair and spring-green/celery eyes, and for the beginning of the book he avoids questions as to what his name is. When he finally tells, it's either going to be " A " or " E " i kind don't want to use A thanks to pretty little liars, so...
  11. R

    When conservatives have the majority vote in DC - why do CEOs get tax breaks

    instead of independent businesses? ...Especially since conservative politicians claim to be for the small businessmen, so why do conservative politicians always end up giving tax breaks and even corporate welfare to CEOs of HUGE companies, while conservatives promise to help workers and...
  12. A

    The majority of the time I ask my friends to meet up with me, they don't ask... Are they not good friends? In the holidays mostly I am the person who phones or texts my friends saying when should we meet up. Normally we discuss that we should meet up in the holidays in school but they never seem to phone me. Does that mean that they don't really want to meet up with...
  13. S

    Four polls now show the Majority of Americans disapprove of Obama which

    poll will be next? President Obama Job Approval Polling Data PollDateSampleApprove Disapprove Spread RCP Average7/7 - 7/25--46.747.6-0.9 Gallup7/23 - 7/251547 A4647-1 Rasmussen Reports7/23 - 7/251500 LV4555-10 CNN/Opinion Research7/16 - 7/211018 A4750-3 Quinnipiac7/13 - 7/192181 RV4448-4 FOX...
  14. T

    Majority Of Calif. Voters Support Abortion Rights, Poll Finds

    A large majority of California's likely voters support abortion rights, including most Republicans and people who intend to vote for GOP candidates in the upcoming gubernatorial and U.S. Senate elections, according to a Field Poll released Wednesday, the San Francisco Chronicle reports. The...
  15. D

    How can conservatives argue that liberals make up the majority of people on welfare?

    Then say Liberals are the majority of people milking unemployment? If you are on welfare and don't work you can't draw unemployment. It can't be both ways.
  16. D

    Why is it that by far the biggest majority of Yanks I've met have been good

    humoured, good fun,? hospitable, generous and likable, yet anyone in authority, Immigration in particular are absolute..........I can't put what I think as it will be banned. I'm particularly thinking of a time when we (with our "special" relationship) had just stepped in to back you guys while...
  17. 5

    Atheists: What makes a majority of you guys against other religions?

    I'm not saying all people are so strong against religion, but most atheists i know mouth off to me when i mention i'm a christian. and it is mainly to Christians, most other religions are untouched. and i can see why. a lot Christians are so hypocritical with what they say. but why? i don't...
  18. T

    Large Majority Of Americans Still Believe In Global Warming, Stanford Poll Finds

    Three out of four Americans believe that the Earth has been gradually warming as the result of human activity and want the government to institute regulations to stop it, according to a new survey by researchers at the Woods Institute for the Environment at Stanford University. The survey was...
  19. W

    would you say the majority of jokes that are funny, are jokes at another's expense...

    .../ slightly offensive...? ie. offensive to blondes, black people, or to animals etc...
  20. J

    Remember the LG Dare? Has Verizon purposely required service packs for the majority

    of their phones? Verizon has systematically eliminated the ability of the consumer to even purchase a simple 3G Multimedia pone, without requiring the consumer to purchase a service pack. It was only recently that Verizon required such a purchase for certain smart phones. The LG Dare is a...