
  1. T

    LGBT: Do you have any fantasies of the future?

    I see myself with a girl I'm married to and holding a pregnancy test.
  2. J

    LGBT poll: Is it homophobic for a gay male not to be attracted to male transsexuals?

    If they haven't gone through any operations I mean. Once they undergo operations they are a woman in my book and I don't feel bad about it. But I have been wondering this it? Oh, sorry, I meant MTF (Without operations. Some choose to do this, and some can't afford it).
  3. D

    LGBT: exorcism only to prove a gay person isn't bad?

    If gay people are bad, how come no one has talked about exorcising a gay person who later showed heterosexual behavior, huh? Maybe because people are afraid of being wrong? I think they need to try to exorcise a gay person, for *hits and giggles, but mainly to prove gay people aren't bad. They...
  4. D

    LGBT: exorcism only to prove a gay person isn't bad?

    If gay people are bad, how come no one has talked about exorcising a gay person who later showed heterosexual behavior, huh? Maybe because people are afraid of being wrong? I think they need to try to exorcise a gay person, for *hits and giggles, but mainly to prove gay people aren't bad. They...
  5. N

    LGBT with iTouch's/iPhones! :)?

    Do you play Words with Friends? would you like to play? :D user name is "joeyiscoolbeans" request a match :3 and btw the only reason i put it in this section is so i know everyone will be friendly :D and plus the LGBT communityis cooler 8) FOREVER ALONE </3
  6. F

    LGBT POLL: What specific old-fashioned homophobic terms for gay people...

    "A hint of mint" "Gay as a goose" "Camp as Christmas" "Queer as a $3 bill" "Scaring the horses"
  7. R

    LGBT: I have boobs lol?

    I just got them (well a few weeks ago they're kind of healing now I think) so I'm happy :) How are you?! Anan doesn't matter. My aunts were like I should just tell people I'm a girl because when the tape comes off I won't really be the guy lol. I don't know though I'm thinking about just...
  8. R

    LGBT: I have boobs lol?

    I just got them (well a few weeks ago they're kind of healing now I think) so I'm happy :) How are you?! Anan doesn't matter. My aunts were like I should just tell people I'm a girl because when the tape comes off I won't really be the guy lol. I don't know though I'm thinking about just...
  9. R

    LGBT: I have boobs lol?

    I just got them (well a few weeks ago they're kind of healing now I think) so I'm happy :) How are you?! Anan doesn't matter. My aunts were like I should just tell people I'm a girl because when the tape comes off I won't really be the guy lol. I don't know though I'm thinking about just...
  10. A

    Hey, Lgbt, I got an easy ten points (for real lol)?

    So I would ask this in the fashion sections, but aye. I like this section. So. Real easy. What's name of those caps with like, the two flaps on the side of them? They sometimes have strings or whatever. You know? So yeah.
  11. T

    Shouldn't the online dating site "Christian Mingle" have an LGBT option?
  12. I

    What are your top picks for LGBT films (has to be available on DVD)?

    I got stuck with a Film & Society class for the rest of the semester. The professor didn't leave any lesson plans or anything so I have to figure out what films we're going to watch. I want to show an LGBT film. I need suggestions that have high artistic merit and preferably out of the...
  13. A

    LGBT: What do you think of this statement about same-sex marriage?

    This was not all typed by me, this was an answer to another question. I was wondering what everyone though. "While the Bible does address homosexuality, it does not explicitly mention gay marriage/same-sex marriage. It is clear, however, that the Bible condemns homosexuality as an immoral and...
  14. S

    Lgbt: Why am i so scared of having a relationship...?

    It's just really weird. I get scared and intimidated when someone shows romantic interest in me or shows me affection. Even if i think someone is cute and would actually like to be with them, i would completely keep them at a distance or just flat out pretend that they don't exist. For example...
  15. G

    LGBT: Do you suppose people would mistake me for being a lesbian?

    I'm FtM, but I've decided to stay rather on the down until I move out. No dating, no transitioning besides wearing a binder and possibly buying cologne. When I'm by myself I may try to pass as a boy, but with people around.. No thanks. I'm am currently tomboy to everyone I know. I have an...
  16. J

    LGBT: If a lesbian couple were to get married in...?

    If a lesbian couple were to get married in Massachusetts, but lived in Indiana, when they came back would their marriage be recognized? Are there ANY benefits to getting married in another state and then moving back to your home state? If a lesbian couple were to get married in another state...
  17. A

    LGBT: What was the last thing to make you laugh?

    DISCLAIMER: If you dont like that this is in the LGBT section or are going to question it and just be a snarky jerk, then click the "back" button and forget all about this. Sorry to be a "one of those kinda people," y'all, but I'm kinda tired of it.
  18. A

    POLL: How many of you Christians actually are ok with people that are LGBT?

    Gay, Maybe Bisexual Teen :]
  19. S

    LGBT especially lesbians help me: why does this keep happening?

    I haven't come out but I met a lesbian online, and she seemed like a nice person, so I sent her a message, but she never replied. I gave up and left her alone, but whenever I go online and check my list of visitors it shows that she keeps viewing my profile. It's either that or they only reply...
  20. M

    Lgbt: this is quiz for anyone who may be bored or just like quizzes :D?

    1. When is your birthday? 2. What is/was your favourite subject at school? 3. When was the last time you made a mess? 4. Do you have a job? If so, where? 5. What was the last compliment you received? 6. Who was the last person to tell you that they loved you? 7. Who is your favourite user on...