
  1. A

    What Celebrity Would You not Mind having a One Night stand With [LGBT]?

    me [females] Megan Fox & Scarlett Johansson [males] Channing Tatum & James Franco
  2. L

    LGBT: If you could jump in bed with 2 celebrities...?

    Ooooh. Fearne Cotton, yum! And. Zac Efron, I know it's a cliché, but he's gorgeous!
  3. N

    LGBT do you have any weird celebrity crushes?

    I think Merideth Veira from "The Today Show," and "Who wants to be a Millionaire" is so hot LOL! Seriously. Everyone said I'm weird and gross because supposedly she's old and I'm 17. I think she's hot, do you find that weird or gross?
  4. D

    LGBT: A some what gay related Q for you all.?

    When you first meet a guy or girl. What would impress you about them? I am meeting a guy & I want to make a good impression =) Thanks to all who answered =)
  5. G

    lgbt do you need a place to rant?

    i do im so freaking pist at my father the only time he comes to visit me he blames every little thing on my :( and he says i don't love him i just take advantage of which is not true i do love him but i don't take advantage of him it just makes me sad :( i need a hug
  6. B

    i always needed to rant and rave. but now i need you all, my lgbt family!?

    on random questions that bring out emotion in me, i always feel like i need to tell about how im a bi teenager and i etc etc etc i loveeee talking but i also genuinly love hearing other peoples stories especially if they have connections to lgbt cause i can connect with them then so its your...
  7. H

    LGBT: I keyed the words Gay Boi into my Leather Seats?

    Is that a hate crime? MP:Leather or Cloth Seats? *HUGS*
  8. R

    LGBT: Who do you think is the hottest celebrity?

    Please include a pic so we can all marvel in the vast sexiness of this question. :D For me, it would either be David Boreanaz or Patrick Dempsey...
  9. S

    lgbt: what exactly is Gay Straight Alliance?

    Mine does a lot of different things... we organize lgbt events, make posters for around school, and really just talk about life and stuff :) it's really cool. the true colors conference is coming up, so that's what we talked about today. no idea about the "t" in t-shirt :P
  10. N

    LGBT: Fashion question/advice/20 characters?

    I usually pick out my clothes the day before. Idk it depends on my mood. I probably wouldn't wear pink. I've wanted to a few times but my friends would laugh. Eh oh well. :)
  11. L

    Who Is Your Favorite LGBT Celebrity?

    Mine is Rosie O.
  12. M

    Does LGBT prefer a particular internet browser?

    I use Safari. Never liked IE much. Oh and what's your computer? Mine: Dell Inspiron 8600 It's 5 years old. Runs nicely, I must say, for a 5 y/o laptop.
  13. N

    LGBT: This one or That one survey (celebrities)?

    Don't say neither or both. Pick which one is better. 1. Cher or Madonna 2. Tina Turner or Diana Ross 3. Barbara Streissand or Liza Minelli 4. Donna Summer or Patti Labelle 5. George Michael or Boy George 6. Whitney Houston or Mary J. Blige 7. Swoosie Kurtz or Susan Sarandon 8. Jane...
  14. M

    LGBT: Your views on PDA(public display of affection)?

    One of my teachers brought up the subject of PDA, and asked how far do we think 'too much' is. I raised my hand and said, "PDA is too much when clothing starts coming off". I guess that sums up in a nutshell of how I feel about PDA.
  15. S

    LGBT: what celebrity do you drool over?

    mine is carmen electra haha she is so hot oh and lil wayne ! :P
  16. K

    LGBT: Who's your celebrity crush?

    Mines probably Keanu Reeves or Darren Hayes
  17. M

    LGBT Teens: What does your future look like?

    What kind of future do you want? For me I want a wife and kids. I want to adopt a few kids, her to have a few through artificial insemination, and me have a few through artificial insemination. I want to be either a Psychotherapist and work at a hospital Psychiatric Care Unit in either...
  18. M

    LGBT: Fun situation time! Stuck on a boat in the middle of the sea...?

    I'll cash in my points for the "get out of jail" and collect $200 card now.