
  1. T

    Senate Democratic Leaders Look For Public Option Compromise To Win Moderates

    The Washington Post: "Democrats had little time to savor their weekend Senate health-care victory, as two of the lawmakers who voted to move the debate forward Saturday night indicated Sunday that they will not vote to pass the package if it includes a government-run insurance program."...
  2. T

    Senate Democratic Leaders Look For Public Option Compromise To Win Moderates

    The Washington Post: "Democrats had little time to savor their weekend Senate health-care victory, as two of the lawmakers who voted to move the debate forward Saturday night indicated Sunday that they will not vote to pass the package if it includes a government-run insurance program."...
  3. H

    Do people tend to see the negative in people, events, leaders,visions whatever?

    Rather than the positive. Or am I just losing my optimism Cassius Melissa and twenty Really you think there is so much to be negative about. Without sounding like Polly bloody Anna isn't that like really draining and soul destroying to lose hope like that? Grossly underestimating yourself (lol)...
  4. M

    Why do you think organize religion leaders are so hypocritical..?

    why they say one thing and do another......
  5. F

    Do religious leaders play a significant role in Latin American politics.?

    Why? or Why not
  6. N

    1. To all white Southerns, except Confederate leaders, Lincoln offered:?

    a) amnesty b) reconstruction c) freedom d) the Ten Percent Plan 2. Under President Andrew Johnson's Restoration Plan, Southern states had to ratify the _________ Amendment before they could rejoin the Union.? a) Thirteenth b) Fourteenth c) Fifteenth d) Sixteenth 3. The ___________...
  7. G

    Have you heard Pawlenty whining about the deficit he and other GOP leaders created?

    They act like the Dems caused this problem and they ignore the total amount of deficit they created which was never even budgeted. Jindahl, Palin, Pawlenty, McConnell, 'Boner", Blunt, Delay, thought they said "trains" when the were handing out "brains" and fought over who would get the last...
  8. J

    Isn't it amazing how leaders fulfil prophecies they don't even know of?

    The U.N. has plans to rebuild Babylon. Do you think they are aware of the part they are playing in fulfilling the book of Revelation. http://www.iht.com/articles/2006/04/13/news/babylon.php
  9. H

    Lincoln freed slaves. Why hasn't Hussein Obama gotten rid of KKK leaders

    from the DNC? ... such as Democrat Robert Byrd? He used to be the most powerful Dem in the Senate ---- majority leader.
  10. N

    Who are some famous world leaders?

    I am putting some entries into our newborn's baby book. Who are some current famous world leaders besides President Barack Obama?
  11. R

    Will you guys please pray for the Iranian Baha'is Leaders of Iran?

    For those of you who don't know, the Baha'i Faith is a religious minority in Iran of 300,000 citizens. Seven Baha'i leaders were arrested in 2008 and have been held by Iranian govt. ever since. Some time next week these leaders will be tried as spies for Israel(which load of bunk) which means...
  12. L

    what lessons might future world leaders learn by comparing the congress...

    ...of vienna and the paris peace confere? what lessons might future world leaders learn by comparing the congress of vienna and the paris peace conference?
  13. A

    why some small political party leaders are indulging in a smear campaign ?

    while the state and centre governments are doing best to help tamils. These letter pad political party leaders are giving a wrong picture to people in tamilnadu that the terrorist are the only tamils living in srilanka. why these people politicising the issue and indulging in a smear campaign...
  14. E

    i really wish to have a debate about religion(all the leaders of religions in the...

    ...world).. what should i do? thankjs in advance..
  15. A

    Future Business Leaders of America Impromptu...?

    im participating in Fbla's impromptu speaking competition. Has anyone ever done it or knows what the topics are generally about? And can you give me a little background info on some of the topic ideas? thank you so much.
  16. K

    What could be the new civs and leaders for future Civilization series?

    Just like many fans of the Civ series, I can't wait for Civilization V, whenever it's coming. What new civilizations and leaders do you think should be included into this game? To my mind, it would be nice to have Rzecpospolita (or Polish, or Lithuanian culture) and its leaders. And Adolf...