
  1. M

    Ideas on how to make an ebook cover?

    I am a writer and I'm posting a story of mine on Wattpad. However, I am awful when it comes to making book covers for it. My story is a paranormal suspense novel about a girl who's father died after battling a demon. Five years later, she realizes that the murder cases her mom is working on have...
  2. M

    How to activate Sony Ericsson Sim Card for free??? Any ideas?? :/?

    Hi, i want to tell you my story.....(lol i didnt know how to start so i just said this -_-) I am 17 years old and i still don't have an ipod/iphone/or whatever.... And i REALLY want one :( You know, when you grown up, or see many kids have something you want it I don't want it for...
  3. A

    Can somebody help me find clean, healthy, and cheap lunch ideas?

    I'm trying to eat clean (no sugar, few packaged foods, etc.), and I need help with packing my lunch. I've been packing a salad (all vegetables) and a piece of fruit, but by the end of school I have the shakes and feel like I could down a gallon of ice cream. Plus, one of my friends thinks I'm...
  4. A

    Smarter Than The Average Breakfast: 7 Healthy, Unique Ideas For Waffle Day

    Today is Waffle Day, a fantastic tradition that involves -- well, eating delicious waffles, of course! But you don't need to stick around with frosty old Eggos or other store bought frozen circles; instead, we have compiled a whole list of what other sorts of waffles you can enjoy tonight...
  5. N

    Should this character have a berzerk button? If so, any ideas on what it should be?

    I am trying to think of different quirks and possibly berzerk button to give my normally lazy and laid back character.--- Quick personality bio----- My main character is a magical thief/conartist who masquerades as a travelling merchant. He is a bit of a kleptomaniac, and has jokingly admitted...
  6. T

    Sci-fi plot ideas...?

    I'm writing a science fiction story, and I need some inspiration (I've got writer's block and it's driving me insane). I'm just looking for random sci-fi ideas. I don't even need whole plots, but if you've got them that's cool with me too. I'm mainly looking for something that involves time...
  7. A

    Good, Bad And Absolutely Disgusting Saint Patrick’s Day Party Ideas From Pinterest

    I know you're all dying to see what a "Leprechaun breakfast" entails ... More » Good, Bad And Absolutely Disgusting Saint Patrick’s Day Party Ideas From Pinterest is a post from Blisstree - Get tips on healthy living, work outs, wellness & health food recipes. Advice & news on mental health &...
  8. S

    Are there any ideas about my dvd and bluray disks backup solution?

    I want to have solutions about it. If any software is needed,you'd better offer the copy suit series for me.Then it would save me a lot of trouble!
  9. A

    Mexico vacation ideas needed! I need help in deciding where (safely) to vaca... Mexico.? My boyfriend and I are wanting to take a fun but romantic trip to Mexico around the beginning of July. Preferably when the spring breakers are gone (we are in our 30's) and the prices aren't too high. I personally have already been to Cancun (he hasn't been out of the country) and...
  10. S

    Ideas for iphone apps?

    Hey, I'm thinking about making a free iphone app, I need some ideas on what to do, what to make, and what you guys would like, Thanks!
  11. T

    Fantasy novel story ideas?

    I have a somewhat vague idea for a novel I would like to write. I know that it still needs some fleshing out, but I'm at a block about how to develop the basic plot some more and make it... darker and more twisted, I guess you could say? Here's the basic summary: In a world where humans and...
  12. R

    Fashion Advice! Need help with fashion ideas for meeting my boyfriend's grandma.?

    I've been seeing my current boyfriend for 3 years now and I finally get to meet his grandma! Now the problem is, I'm more of the tee-shirt and jeans kind of gal and she is a major fashion follower. I want to make a good impression but I'm hopeless! I do have a basic sense of style and I LOVE...
  13. R

    Can you give me ideas of plot of my story?

    I need to write a short story which the final line would be "And to this day I still don't know why she did it". I just cannot think of any storyline. Any ideas is greatly appreciated.
  14. R

    I need a place to do a mall scavenger hunt that's not the mall. Any ideas?

    So I started with the idea of a mall scavenger hunt for my birthday, but I was online when I found one person that said their hunt had been stopped by mall security. So I contacted the mall I was planning to do the hunt in, and they responded saying that no, it isn't allowed. So, I need a new...
  15. D

    Cooking ideas with sea vegetables?

    I really like seaweed but just eat it as a snack. Anyone out there have experience cooking with sea vegetables? I am wanting to incorporate more of them in my diet. Also, where can I buy sea vegetables (of good quality)?
  16. T

    Can someone help find ideas for creating a quiz?

    Pick an interesting idea.. lol Any quiz.. like the ones from quotev.. lol
  17. S

    Summer vacation ideas for college students?

    Me and a few of my friends could not go on spring break together because of sports and what not. But we are planning a summer vacation. But we need some ideas, we want it to be close to Michigan (where we are from) and want it to be like spring break with other college students around and that...
  18. R

    What are some good comic strip ideas about being in an airport or a trip somewhere?

    I have this project and you have to make a comic with 12 talking bubbles. It has to be about being in an airport or going to a trip somewhere.
  19. B

    What are some good ideas for these thoughts?

    I've been dabbling in literature, poetry, and quotes lately. And I've decided to compose my own quotes. I'm having a bit trouble, though; I need help. Can you give me some ideas that connect with these thoughts? Here are some examples, first: Quote one: "A man's heart is a wretched, wretched...
  20. G

    i need some short story ideas!?

    i have to write a short story for a class and i need a few topic suggestions. i have a couple of ideas: -girl moving to london -guy who hallucinates an adventure -set in 14th century england a boy witnesses a murder i just need help with conflict and plot etc. or any other suggestion topics :)