
  1. A

    which herbal products i should buy?

    Hello I want advice which one of these products have best supplement facts,and is it true jurassic green powder can treat more than 60 decease,it looks like full pharmacy. http://www.vitasprings.com/nourish-jurassic-green-powder-4-oz-christopher-s-original.html...
  2. L

    Are Ecstacy Herbal cigarettes psychoactive? I want to get them.?

    I want to get them because thats the only brand ive heard of so far. I don't want anything that mimics pot or any other drug, just a cigarette for the sake of smoking. Of course and no tobacco/nicotine. I just want to make sure its not a drug and its pretty much plainly the same thing as smoking...
  3. L

    Anyone know anything about Herbal Cigarettes? Psychoactive? I just want

    some that aren't psychoactive.? http://www.buzzle.com/articles/herbal-cigarettes.html http://www.ehow.com/list_7453872_types-herbal-cigarettes.html The 2nd website and 1st website say the cigarettes may be psychoactive. I don't want any kind of "effect" or drug effect on my brain, I just want...
  4. K

    Herbal Cigarettes

    Ever heard of Herbal Cigarettes? Herbal Cigarettes, also called tobacco-free cigarettes, are today being marketed under various brands. Herbal Cigarettes are known to be free from tobacco and hence contain no nicotine. Each brand differs in the mixture of herbs used in the cigarettes. They are...
  5. I

    Herbal snuff without tobacco nor nicotine?

    Hey ive been dipping for about a year now but know I want to quit.. My friend told me herbal snuff is a good way to quit because it has no tobacco or nicotine... So my question is where do they sell this herbal snuff and do you have to be over the age of 18 to buy it? Thanks!!!!
  6. T

    Warning Over Unlicensed Herbal Payouji Tea And Pai You Guo Slim Capsules

    The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) is warning people of the dangers of taking unlicensed Payouji tea and Pai You Guo Slim Capsules due to concerns over possible side effects. These herbal products are being promoted for weight loss and have been found to contain an...
  7. N

    What are the safest herbal alternatives to smoking cigarettes?

    I know all smoking is bad but what are the safest herbs to smoke to try to help STOP smoking cigarettes. I have some Mullein leaves and Lemon balm leaves i heard those might be ok but i would like to know some others and ones that don't taste too bad and might help with relaxing like a cig. I...
  8. A

    Legality of herbal cigarettes for minors in Minnesota?

    I am in an acting group and am in charge of finding props. I am over 18 so thats not the problem, the problem is that we have two minors playing the roles of people who are over 18 and smoke. I don't want to break any laws by giving them herbal cigarettes, because I can give them props if...
  9. T

    Appointment To The Herbal Medicines Advisory Committee, UK

    We are pleased to announce that the Appointments Commission has appointed one new member to the Herbal Medicines Advisory Committee (HMAC). HMAC is an independent body that works closely with the MHRA, advising UK health ministers on traditional herbal medicines. Professor Simon Gibbons is a...
  10. M

    how bad is smoking herbal incense?

    what are the side effects of smoking herbal incense
  11. T

    PerkinElmer ICP-MS Systems Help Ensure Safety Of Chinese Herbal Medicines

    PerkinElmer, Inc., a global leader focused on the health and safety of people and the environment, today announced that the Company's Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometer (ICP-MS) technology can help insure that traditional Chinese herbal medicines comply with safety guidelines. Amid...
  12. T

    Urinary Tract Cancer Associated With Chinese Herbal Products Containing Aristolochic

    The carcinogen aristolochic acid, which was found in many prescribed Chinese herbal products including Guan Mu Tong, is associated with an increased risk of urinary tract cancer, according to a new study published online December 21 in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute. Many...
  13. T

    Urinary Tract Cancer Associated With Chinese Herbal Products Containing Aristolochic

    The carcinogen aristolochic acid, which was found in many prescribed Chinese herbal products including Guan Mu Tong, is associated with an increased risk of urinary tract cancer, according to a new study published online December 21 in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute. Many...
  14. T

    Urinary Tract Cancer Associated With Chinese Herbal Products Containing Aristolochic

    The carcinogen aristolochic acid, which was found in many prescribed Chinese herbal products including Guan Mu Tong, is associated with an increased risk of urinary tract cancer, according to a new study published online December 21 in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute. Many...
  15. T

    Urinary Tract Cancer Associated With Chinese Herbal Products Containing Aristolochic

    The carcinogen aristolochic acid, which was found in many prescribed Chinese herbal products including Guan Mu Tong, is associated with an increased risk of urinary tract cancer, according to a new study published online December 21 in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute. Many...
  16. T

    Urinary Tract Cancer Associated With Chinese Herbal Products Containing Aristolochic

    The carcinogen aristolochic acid, which was found in many prescribed Chinese herbal products including Guan Mu Tong, is associated with an increased risk of urinary tract cancer, according to a new study published online December 21 in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute. Many...
  17. B

    Where can I find Legal Herbal Smokes or Blends similar to Skunk ( Skunk: The

    New Breed of Weed ) in the USA? I am interested in finding legal Herbal Smokes / Herbal Blends similar to "Skunk: a new breed of weed" that get you high...? Skunk is not readily available in the US anymore and I am dying to have some of the same quality legal highs or blends what ever you want...
  18. C

    Are herbal teas actually good for you?

    They are expensive, but do these herb mix, 'detox' teas actually work or do you have to drink 100 packets before you benefit?
  19. C

    Is there anything herbal ?

    my husband is a lot older than me. He is always tiered and has a low sex drive. Although im very understanding and luv him to bits..Is there anything I could buy to perk him up a bit????????
  20. D

    Are there any side effects of Nytol Herbal sleeping pills?

    Lately ive been having sirious sleep problems which even started effecting my life so i desided to take sleeping pills. I dont want to get addicted to them and im really scared in using them but this unsleepyness is killing me.. should i use them or nott?