
  1. K

    Tar Filters for Herbal Cigerrettes?

    Do brands like Tar Gaurd help the health risks of smoking at all? If so what is the best company or model?
  2. D

    If i smoke herbal cigarretes, what are my health risks compared to tobacco...

    ...cigarretes? Since they don't contain any nicotine, i won't be addicted. I don't plan on smoking multiple packs a day like normal tobacco smokers. Also, how do they taste?
  3. C

    Herbal Hookah Lounge in Chicago for 18 and 17 yr. olds?!?!?

    One of my friends are turning 18 years old, and a great way to go with a bang is go to a hookah lounge, I need help because there will be a few of us being 17 years old. Question is does anyone know herbal hookah lounges or bars that are good, in chicago, and will let 17-18 years in?
  4. T

    People And Plant Medicine: Herbal Abortion Helps African Women

    Researchers at the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, have examined a number of plants which are used for illegal abortions in Tanzania. The lab tests show that several of the plants can make the uterus tissue contract and that the plants therefore can be used to stop...
  5. J

    Can black magic herbal smoke get mold?

    Just bought 3 grams of it and there's white fluffy stuff mixed throughout it as well as around leaves. Not sure if this is mold somehow or what? Never seen this before...
  6. H

    Going Natural And Herbal

    With life moving so fast, staying fit may just mean hitting the gym or dieting. But in the bargain, we end up torturing our bodies by not providing enough nutrients and supplements to it. Lack of sleep, energy and many more cases are cropping up every day with people having health issues due to...
  7. S

    Buying LEGAL herbal pills online underage.?

    I've been looking into legal herbal pills online that give a slight euphoric sense of feeling and a over all mood enhancer, What I don't understand is if they are legal why is their an age limit? I have a debit card of my own and pondered the though of purchasing them but I'm worried they say...
  8. S

    Buying LEGAL herbal pills online underage.?

    I've been looking into legal herbal pills online that give a slight euphoric sense of feeling and a over all mood enhancer, What I don't understand is if they are legal why is their an age limit? I have a debit card of my own and pondered the though of purchasing them but I'm worried they say...
  9. S

    Buying LEGAL herbal pills online underage.?

    I've been looking into legal herbal pills online that give a slight euphoric sense of feeling and a over all mood enhancer, What I don't understand is if they are legal why is their an age limit? I have a debit card of my own and pondered the though of purchasing them but I'm worried they say...
  10. M

    Suggest me herbal hemorrhoids treatment ?

    yea so like many other men in the world, I'm one of the people who has hemorrhoids..I don't suffer from it since they don't hurt one bit or bleed..but it is a nuisance, and I can get colon cancer from them if I don't do anything, right? What's a good cure for hemorrhoids? This anusol...
  11. M

    Suggest me herbal hemorrhoids treatment ?

    yea so like many other men in the world, I'm one of the people who has hemorrhoids..I don't suffer from it since they don't hurt one bit or bleed..but it is a nuisance, and I can get colon cancer from them if I don't do anything, right? What's a good cure for hemorrhoids? This anusol...
  12. M

    Suggest me herbal hemorrhoids treatment ?

    yea so like many other men in the world, I'm one of the people who has hemorrhoids..I don't suffer from it since they don't hurt one bit or bleed..but it is a nuisance, and I can get colon cancer from them if I don't do anything, right? What's a good cure for hemorrhoids? This anusol...
  13. M

    is there any LEGAL herbal cigarettes NICOTINE FREE TOBACCO FREE to buy in...

    ...Kuala Lumpur? not electric cigarettes, they contain nicotine and still continues the nicotine addiction.
  14. F

    where can i get herbal cigarettes in Sydney, Australia?

    i'm 16 (i know it's bad) and i've been smoking for 2-3 years. I'm trying desperately to quit, and a friend suggested herbal cigarettes. Only thing is, i have the slightest idea where to get them. Can anybody help?
  15. F

    where can i get herbal cigarettes in Sydney, Australia?

    i'm 16 (i know it's bad) and i've been smoking for 2-3 years. I'm trying desperately to quit, and a friend suggested herbal cigarettes. Only thing is, i have the slightest idea where to get them. Can anybody help?
  16. B

    has anyone tried LUCID Herbal Smoking Blend?

    Was it any good or just another rip off?
  17. eee

    where can you buy herbal cigarettes in cali?

    like ecstasy not the drug, the herbal cigarette
  18. L

    How bad is Herbal Shisha for you? (No tobacco, no nicotine)?

    I know that anything that you smoke is bad for you, but how bad would Herbal Shisha be? It contains no tobacco and no nicotine. Hydro Shisha.
  19. N

    Herbal shisha vs tobacco?

    So I'm the occasional hookah smoker and through browsing on the internet I learned there is something called herbal shisha. Could anyone give me a bit more information on this? Specifically the difference between herbal shisha and tobacco shisha. Thanks you!
  20. A

    where can i buy herbal incense to smoke near three oaks michigan?

    what smoke shops around three oaks would sell herbal incense?