
  1. M

    Since Jews (zionist) are Gods chosen people and not Christ's Jews.?

    and this question is relevant to Politics how?....
  2. V

    who were the first three Greek gods Percy Jackson met in the "lightning thief"?

    who were the first three Greek gods Percy Jackson met in the "lightning thief"? I know Dionysus is the first and ares is one. I forgot the other one. Thanks!
  3. G

    Manufacturers Pride--Sound of Gods Absence-Promo-2009-UBE

    Category: Music-MP3 (Death Metal) Size: 87.25 MB Files: 20 (5 pars) Group: a.b.sounds.mp3.complete_cd .NFO: View NFO Posted: Mon September 21st 12:00:16 UTC Download NZB
  4. C

    Interesting greek gods, animals, folk lore, stories, etc that would be a good topic

    for a lyric poem??? Help!? I have to write 2 lyric poems for my english class. i was hoping to do at least one extended metaphor. But my teacher loves creativity. she doesn't want an every day comparison. I wrote about a student who compared her senior year to a dark cave and emerging in light...
  5. P

    Question: The ancients all worshiped many gods, until Monotheism came along.....?

    God says he's a jealous God, but the ancient pagan deities didn't seem to be telling their followers to kill each other. God says worship no gods beside me. Is it possible that forsaking the old gods for the God of Abraham is a mistake? How do you know the God of Abraham isn't evil?
  6. M

    How does one worship Ares and other Greek gods?

    I already have knowledge on how to create and maintain the purity of an altar, and I know prayers to Ares as well as Aphrodite, But I am still curious about the little details, such as, what IS the altar, exactly? I just know how to bless an altar in the name of Ares, just not what it should...
  7. U

    how come christians do not picket other gods temples instead of just

    It's because many of those Christians are respecting the beliefs of those religions. But, at the same time, those same Christians are trying to preserve what they percieve to be the righteousness of civil order.
  8. T

    any good books that list all Gods, demigods, demons, etc?

    I'm looking for a book that lists all of those things and describes them. I guess kind of like an encyclopedia of mythology. It would be great if it had pictures too. If you know of any please let me know. Thanks in advance.
  9. L

    Do christians worship different gods since there is more than one christian

    denomination? Ultimately...by secluding yourselves, and by believing in different things about God...aren't christians worshipping different gods? Coolio...what do you mean by "we work together"? ....If that were true, then there would only be Christians...no denominations would exist!
  10. V

    what are the Greek gods vs. the Roman Gods? (NAMES PLEASE!)?

    umm... i need to know which gods belong to which culture (roman or greek)
  11. R

    Atheist's say they don't believe in God. Does that mean any and all religion's gods?

    From being on the R&S forum I realize that you don't believe in the God of Christianity, but what about other religions? What fault do you find with Allah & Mohamed? Where and what do you feel is the error of the Muslim faith? What about Buddhists and Hindu's? To reject, disavow, find errors...
  12. M

    What name would you put to represent all the gods and goddesses of all...

    ...the beleifs and religion in the world ? just one single name to represent all of That Not attached to any once race,religion,or nation,gender
  13. N

    Are any Greek Gods like Modern day Celebrities?

    Okay, I did ask a question earlier about who could be a good modern day aphrodite. I havnt had any success yet, so here are some othere gods. I need three reasons how they are alike. Thanks! Gods/Goddess I want to do Aphrodite - Goddes of Love an d Beauty (Want to do most!) Iris - Goddess of...
  14. J

    Question about celebrities and 12 Olympian gods?

    Ok I need to do a project on the 12 gods and I have to relate them to who they would be if they were alive today. Who do you think? here are the gods and what they do 1. Zeus Jupiter/Jove King of the Gods Thunderbolt, eagle and oak tree 2. Hera Juno Queen of the Gods Peacock, cow, wedding...
  15. R

    why do you think from religions believing in many gods to just one?

    like back when the major civilizations were Babylon, assyria, persia, egypt, and those, they all believed in many gods. same with ancient greece and rome and many others. but now, alot of people believe in just one god. why do u think we have changed from many gods to just one?
  16. G

    a play on tape about a mango tree and some gods were singing does this ring any

    bells? they were singing like in west side story. she played it all the time and i couldn't find it for valentines day.
  17. J

    How many gods in these religions?

    How many gods does Hinduism Buddhism Confucianism Shintoism have???? Please help me!! Bye!!
  18. C

    how are the personalities of the greek gods different than those of

    christian and jewish religions? I have a question that asks hown the personalities of greek gods.and how do they differ from the jewish view of god...
  19. A

    celebrities and greek gods question (help plzz) ?

    what celebrity/famous person do you think could best represent (explain why you chose this celeb please): ares (the god of war) eros (aka cupid god of love) athena (goddess of wisdom, war and art) aphrodite (goddess of love and beauty)
  20. I

    Where can i find a copy of, The A'z - City Of Gods, on a bittorrent, or buy it.?

    I Need A Copy!