
  1. T

    any romance anime that involve Gods?

    WHERE IETHER THE GOD FALLS IN LOVE WITH ANOTHER GOD OR A GOD FALLS IN LOVE WITH A DEMON (please no yaoi.... im not into that sort of thing)
  2. B

    How did we go from worshipping gods and goddess's to mass religion?

    I would read about it, but i cant find where to read about it. Would appreciate links. Most if not all the ancient civilisations(from what iv read) worshipped various gods and goddess's. How did these places become largely christian/muslim. And how fast did these religions take over?
  3. P

    Why do humans have many Gods like allah, Jesus Budda etc?

    If God has revelation to man. Why do we have many interpretation of God and not the same. For atheist who would answer, you should first prove the non existence of God in a philosophical manner and logical.
  4. Y

    So do some Greeks still believe in Olympus and all their gods and other heroes?

    As well as the Titans who came before them and Gaia and Uranus who came before the Titans? I asked this question in the mythology section also and have yet to get an answer. I was just wondering so hope nobody takes offense to it.
  5. S

    At what age are children usually convinced to believe in religion's various gods?

    We all know that as babies, all people are atheist by default, but for an older child who is brought up under a religion, how many years does it usually take before they start having "faith"?
  6. D

    Do the gods scoff at heavy machinery manufacturers who call their trucks and...

    ...bulldozers, “earthmovers”? Maybe Zeus says, “Pathetic humans who think their puny machines can move the Earth; only I can move the Earth!”
  7. M

    Do you consider Prometheus a hero or a villain? He disobeyed the will of the gods,

    and stole their fire? And then gave it to humans. If the god of your religion were to judge him for his deeds, how would Prometheus be rewarded or punished?
  8. T

    Did you know that there are millions of Gods out there who all congregate in a...

    ...far corner of the universe.....? every Sunday morning and pray to a higher being?
  9. S

    Why are the Abrahamic religions the only ones that have a hatred for all other Gods?

    And why are they the only intolerant and murderous faiths on the planet? Could it be that they are the true devil-worshipers, and that only "pagan" religions are righteous and natural?
  10. K

    How is the theme of justice, that the gods punish wrongdoing bought out in the

    story "The Odyssey"? I'm suppose to write a 5 paragraph essay on this but i honestly have no clue. please help me? any true information will help.
  11. C

    Why do Christians worship four gods?

    They have The God the Son the Holly spirit But Catholics worship also the Mother they think she is alive in the heaven they see a lot of miracles of her across the world ! they worship her in their prayers in daily basis They have her statue in every church I have witnessed people bowing in...
  12. B

    the desert, the gods and cosmic humor?

    imagine being marooned in the desert, on an oasis all alone, but you have plenty of food, air and water, but you know that death is inevitable. Now imagine being marooned in the desert with a few people. Now imagine being marooned in the desert with a few people and animals. Now imagine being...
  13. S

    Atheists: What caused you to not believe in any Gods?

    for me, it's simply the fact that there is no real evidence that any gods/goddesses exist. surely if there was a god, he'd/she'd/it'd prove it somehow. also, the bible made no real logical sense and goes against the laws of science. also, since the bible is the closest thing to prove that god...
  14. M

    Who are the Gods referred to in King Lear?

    Who are the Gods that are always being referred to in King Lear?
  15. V

    Are Christians worshiping TWO Gods? God the Father and Jesus?

    How can Christianity qualify under monotheism if Christians worship two Gods.
  16. W

    Please, give me names of gods, goddesses and what they rule and demons, all

    religions are welcome to answer.? I'm writing a story that includes gods, goddesses, and demons. I want to use all different religions, but i basically only know Greek and Japanese mythology. Please help, Thank you =)
  17. W

    Please, give me names of gods, goddesses and what they rule and demons, all

    religions are welcome to answer.? I'm writing a story that includes gods, goddesses, and demons. I want to use all different religions, but i basically only know Greek and Japanese mythology. Please help, Thank you =)
  18. S

    what do Judaism and Christianity believe has happened to the other gods

    mentioned in the Old Testament? A lot of people in Judaism and Christianity believe the Old Testament is the direct word of God and utterly true. I remember reading about lots of weaker gods (like Baal for example) who the more powerful Yaweh Canaan god always beat. What is the official line on...
  19. S

    Christians, if Zeus, Baal or any other gods gave you a clear sign that you

    follow a lie, would you ignore it? Goddesses too!
  20. M

    Isn't man's existence Gods great big sense of humor at work?

    Surely, with all the problems humans have (despite all the good things), is it too much to think that god placed us here as a big practical joke - assuming there is indeed a god? I mean, think about it: god would have known even before creating anyone that the devil would rebel and Adam would...