
  1. H

    Ghosts of Girlfriends Past (2009)

    Category: Movies-XviD Size: 804.44 MB Files: 62 (9 pars) Group: a.b.movies .NFO: View NFO IMDB: 0821640 Posted: Tue November 3rd 10:08:08 UTC Download NZB
  2. B

    Men love there Little "Gadgets" why does this get on my girlfriends nerves?

    I have just bought a new top of the range DSLR camera. And my girlfriend seems to be so jealous.. She says I love my electrical gadgets more than her. All men love "Gadgets" why does this bother women so much I am in control of the photo by changing settings on the camera.. You dont just press...
  3. A

    Girlfriends rant irks me?

    Ok. So i was just talking to her, saying how in math my teacher gives extra credit if your in activites. The highest points being 15 for playing a sport or being in band. And i think thats right. Sports take dedication, effort, time. She totally disagrees. Now get this, she has never played a...
  4. A

    My girlfriends rant/theory on sports irks me?

    Ok. So i was just talking to her, saying how in math my teacher gives extra credit if your in activites. The highest points being 15 for playing a sport or being in band. And i think thats right. Sports take dedication, effort, time. She totally disagrees. Now get this, she has never played a...
  5. C

    Can I see my girlfriends friends list if she blocked it on myspace?

    For some reason after a year my girlfriend has decided to hide her top friends list this is bugging me a bit is there a way I can still view it without her knowing I think she might be seeing or talking to someone else.
  6. S

    how do i break into my girlfriends e mail?

    i need to break into her e-mails i think shes cheating and i need proof before i accuse her it may b jsut pulling my hair out here i need help
  7. T

    is my girlfriends vagina normal?

    well im 16 and i have this girlfriend with a vagina that kinda hangs down she keeps telling me that she wants to get surgery on it that way it wouldnt be so saggy i was wondering is this possible to get surgery at the age of 15? And how much would it cost?
  8. R

    Meeting Girlfriends dad for the first time..?

    I am 14 and on Friday i might go to my girlfriend's house, and I will have to meet her dad. She told me that he is not a people person, impatient, always looks mean, and yells a lot. haha. What should I do when i meet him? And how can i get him to like me atleast a little bit?
  9. J

    my girlfriends vagina is loose. is it cause of toys, or is there any known

    medical reasons? she is 6mo pregnan? she likes to use big toys sometimes, but denies it. says she dosent know why she is loose. i think she lying is she? can it be big if she dosent put anything in there?
  10. U

    My friend asks to borrow my girlfriends SUV? Isn't that rude?

    I've known this guy for a couple of months. His car has been broke the whole time, I don't have a car. My girlfriend has been cool enough to give me rides to pick this guy up and dropped us both off at the bar multiple times. We even brought the guy along to go dancing with my GF's friend. Me...
  11. C

    Why did the two killers in Scream want to kill their girlfriends?

    Seen the movie forever ago then I seen the end of it the other day and I was like "I never did understand that.."
  12. I

    Girlfriends mom has Cancer?

    Got a call from work today. My girlfriends mom has cancer and she wants me to tell her daughter because she doesn't have the heart to. What do I do?
  13. T

    I have to meet my girlfriends dad,.. what shoudl I expect and what should I say?

    I know he's going to ask about my intentions with her. The thing is I havn't been asked that with any of my ex's so I'm kind of freaking out about it the only thing I know that we have in common is that he was in the military and I'm thinking about joining so how should I go about this?
  14. G

    Argument with girlfriends daughter?

    I had a run in with my Partner's daughter yesterday in front of her mom, over something silly really. we were both raising our voices, and shouting for about approx 2 mins. I then said that I couldm't give a f***, and don't tell me to shut the f*** up. She then proceeded to call me a p****, and...
  15. A

    My girlfriends grandpa just died and she doesn't want anything to do with me...?

    We have been together for a year now and her grandma just passed away in December. Her grandpa died on Friday and all weekend she has been avoiding me, I am pretty much the only one who knows about it and I think that it brings her down when we talk or hang out. It's really hard because I want...
  16. J

    Guys picking up their girlfriends?

    I rarely see this anymore. It's as if all men have lost the strength and energy to pick up their girlfriends! I mean, I can pick up basically any girl at my school. Whenever I go to pick them up and carry them around, they always ask if it hurts me or something. It's like they think they weigh...
  17. T

    How do you gain your girlfriends parents trust?

    I have been dating my girl for a little over 4 months and me and her are in kinda a tight relationship. As that I barely get to hang out with her because of her parents. I am lucky if I get 2 dates with her for the week. And whenever I go to her house her parents have to be home. She cant even...
  18. M

    Why guys should break up with there girlfriends before big holidays?

    Guys these are rules to live by!!? Why guys should break up with there girlfriends before the big holidays Tom Leykis has showed me the light!! ? I'm 19 and been listening to Tom Leykis show and he explains how not to spend NO MORE THEN $40 dollars on a date which is good and not having a...