
  1. M

    Why do some girlfriends take their relationship for granted?

    So I dumped my girlfriend yesterday to stand up for myself. I met her family couple of times and they love me. One day I went through her text messages And found this message that said "where can I find me some sexy men". I didn't confront her but I kept that in mind. Two days ago, she started...
  2. I

    XVid Files work on my TV but not my girlfriends int he same DVD player?

    I have a DVD player that plays downloaded Xvid files. They all work fine on my DVD player and my flat screen TV. When I take my DVD player and Xvid videos to her place some of them dont work properly. Some of the videos just keep scrolling on the tv - any idea why this may be happening?
  3. I

    XVid Files work on my TV but not my girlfriends int he same DVD player?

    I have a DVD player that plays downloaded Xvid files. They all work fine on my DVD player and my flat screen TV. When I take my DVD player and Xvid videos to her place some of them dont work properly. Some of the videos just keep scrolling on the tv - any idea why this may be happening?
  4. S

    I have bought an iphone 4 and it keeps sync-ing all my girlfriends apps etc to my... when connecting Itunes? I have signed into iTunes with my account but it keeps syncing my phone to my girlfriends account - which means every time I plug it in it tries to put her apps onto my phone and asks me for her password on iTunes on my phone. How do I separate the 2 phone on...
  5. K

    How come girls are interested in guys with girlfriends?

    I've always kinda wondered why when I guy gets a girlfriend other girls start checking him out much like me when I was single I felt like not so many girls even knew I existed but then I got a girlfriend and I noticed a lot of girls trying to flirt with me it's confusing to me do you have an...
  6. W

    What to get for Girlfriends 16th birthday long distance relationship 17th birthday?

    I already bought her previously earrings..scarf and charm bracelet, what could i buy her for her birthday, help please:) please bear in mind that i am completely in love with her and tgat it's a ld relationship^^ thanks:)
  7. M

    my girlfriends uncle is spreading rumours i have got a credit card in his

    name, he is telling lots of people,? Is this defamation as the allegations are completely false?
  8. M

    my girlfriends dad is racist and wont introduce me at all to him?

    aw it's ok... i don't like racist people... i mean you can't judge every PERSON.. we aren't all the same... i don't really think you have to meet her father... but if you want to meet him out of respect..then i think you should... everythings going to be ok..just pray to God .
  9. A

    Are the wives and girlfriends of NFL players allowed to travel with them for

    away games? I ask as I'm doing research for a literary assignment. I'm Australian, so i'm not sure of the rules and regulations within american football. Any help anyone can provide is greatly appreciated. Incorrect information lowers my grade. Thanks
  10. G

    Girlfriends Forever Magic Skate PAL WiiWare Wii-SUNSHiNE

    Category: Console-Wii Size: 41.40 MB Files: 15 (5 pars) Group: .NFO: View NFO Posted: Mon July 26th 12:20:50 UTC Download NZB
  11. F

    How do you trade girlfriends with your friend?

    My best friend and I are both dating some smoking hot girls, but the thing is when we talked about it he is like "your GF is soooo hot" and I'm like saying the same thing about his GF. Now we are trying to think of way to trade them for like a couple weeks so we can hook up with them. I wanted...
  12. 1

    do guys talk,compare or just discuss their girlfriends with their friends? what

    about showing off her picture? i write my boyfriend letters twice a month and send to him in afghanistan ( a marine) i'm the only person who writes him his parents and family don't write. everytime he emails me he talks about how he loves reading them and how awesome gorgous ext... that he...
  13. 1

    do guys talk,compare or just discuss their girlfriends with their friends? what

    about showing off her picture? i write my boyfriend letters twice a month and send to him in afghanistan ( a marine) i'm the only person who writes him his parents and family don't write. everytime he emails me he talks about how he loves reading them and how awesome gorgous ext... that he...
  14. 1

    do guys talk,compare or just discuss their girlfriends with their friends? what

    about showing off her picture? i write my boyfriend letters twice a month and send to him in afghanistan ( a marine) i'm the only person who writes him his parents and family don't write. everytime he emails me he talks about how he loves reading them and how awesome gorgous ext... that he...
  15. S

    Meeting my girlfriends Mum and Dad Tuesday, Advice needed please.?

    So yeah i've been with my girlfriend for 2 months but we have been seeing each other for 6 months, she met my mum straight away because it's more laid back at mine. I'm pretty chilled about meeting them but i'm just worried if they don't like me, does anybody have any advice that they could give...
  16. S

    Help with meeting my girlfriends dad?

    I've been with her for about a year, but he hasn't really shown that he wants me to be with his daughter. I've tried talking to him but when my girlfriend asks he says he doesn't wanna meet me. Last time we tried it it was about 5 months ago. I was wondering if it would be better to just go to...
  17. F

    A problem with my girlfriends mom i need advise plz? AND IM NOT JOKING?

    OK the problem is that at first her mom didn't like me but then she just gave up trying to have her daughter Emmy. My girlfriend to breakup with me couple trying to have her daughter Emmy. My girlfriend to breakup with me couple months past and we kinda started to get along and thats when while...
  18. S

    Style my girlfriends hair? For fun =D?

    Today my girlfriend came over and wanted to style my hair.. she made it look really bad and it didn't turn out like she wanted and then we went into town and i wasn't allowed to fix it =D.. =\... So she said i can style her hair.. She said do what ever i want.. do i get her back and spike her...
  19. S

    Style my girlfriends hair? For fun =D?

    Today my girlfriend came over and wanted to style my hair.. she made it look really bad and it didn't turn out like she wanted and then we went into town and i wasn't allowed to fix it =D.. =\... So she said i can style her hair.. She said do what ever i want.. do i get her back and spike her...
  20. W

    POLL: how many girlfriends or boyfriends have you had?

    i've gone out with a lot of girls... but i can only call 6 of them girlfriends. also provide how long you dated if you can. thanks.