
  1. E

    bluetooth problem?? Old fashioned father?

    I just got my first bluetooth headset the other day and absolutely love it, espescially since I have a 2 year old and an 8 month old. So nice to be able to feed the baby without having to wedge my cell up against my shoulder (I don't have a landline). My problem is with my dad. Please help me...
  2. C

    Poll: Women, do you prefer old fashioned gentlemen or modern bad boys?

    Pic examples for QUESTION Old fashioned dark and handsome gentleman: Modern medium dark bad boy...
  3. I

    why do people hate old fashioned animes?

    i mean stuff like dragonball z, inuyasha, pokemon (first version), etc. don't just say "because they suck" or anything like that, and give an explanation.
  4. S

    Do you still use the old fashioned Bullworker?

    In the 60's Bullworker was quite an in-thing. Due to time constraints, I would like to buy one & use it mainly for muscle toning. Anybody has any recent experience to share? Where can you buy it in India?
  5. M

    Is this too 'old fashioned'?

    Teresa Jane (first and middle) and Elenor Jane The nickname for Elenor would be "Ellie" Thoughts?
  6. S

    Old fashioned bed settee?

    Does anyone know if you can still get these? I've seen them in asian houses, They're quite long you can keep all your crap inside and people can sleep on it as well, and I want one!
  7. L

    Does anyone know the name for an old fashioned "tally counter"?

    I'm looking for an old fashioned "tally counter". It is a three digit counter with three separate "click" buttons controlling each digit and is nearly flat and hand held. Does anyone know the exact name of it or where I might be able to find one? I would be the king of happy if someone might...
  8. T

    How should I hand clean my old fashioned hard wood floors?

    I just moved into my new apartment in December and was wondering how I should safely clean my old style/fashioned hard wood floors??? From products to methods,what should be done???
  9. S

    Beth for a girl what comes to mind, too old fashioned?

    Beth Israel -------- (need 2nd middle name next to israel) all my kids have two middle names. Example my son 6 Calvin Vaughn Terrell my daughter12 Andrea Tiona Estella
  10. K

    Do you think my names old fashioned?

    Yes, old fashioned but what a nice change!
  11. A

    Currently, do you remember the old fashioned shops where each shop had it's own

    'smell'? Like the bakers, you could smell real baking, not the mass produced, oven ready stuff commonly called in-store baked. The butchers with the fresh meat and sawdust on the floor. The general store like Duckworth's with its big coffee grinder scenting the whole shop. And my own...