
  1. J

    Old Fashioned Chinese Grandma won't let me use dishwashing soap! What should I do?

    I'm staying at a friend's place for an extended period of time (several months, to be exact). They have an old Chinese grandma who lives there, and she does most of the cooking. I do my own cooking generally, so she kind of gives me that space (and she's very nice about it too). The problem...
  2. A

    Glazed vs old fashioned ?

    Donuts. I know they taste different and look different, but why are they different? What do they do to them to make them different? And which do you prefer?
  3. H

    Are the old fashioned Safety Razors safe for a 19 yr. old to use?

    My 19 yr. old son wants an old fashioned safety razor for Christmas. He's never used one before and I'm leary of them because I cut myself with one ( shaving my legs) that wasn't closed all the way when I was young. Are they safe to shave with or can you cut yourself easily with them?
  4. M

    Old fashioned caramel cake recipe?

    I have wanted to make a caramel cake for the longest time and I can't seem to find a recipe that has perfect ratings but i am wanting the caramel cake and its like a really moist yellow cake with melt in your mouth caramel icing. If you have a good recipe please let me know about it and any...
  5. T

    Does anyone know any cute, old fashioned names?

    Like the kind of names they used in old stories?
  6. C

    This or that? Old fashioned girl names...?

    Rose or Ida Aibileen or Audra Blythe or Constance Corliss or Della Audrey or Laura Thanks :)
  7. N

    how do you shift an old fashioned volkswagen beatle?

    Not the new beatle, and not the autostick on the old ones. I mean the old beatles like a 1958 or a 1972 with the engine in the back.
  8. T

    how to tune an old fashioned piano?

    how to tune an old fashioned piano? i live in an old historic building made into apartments and i found an old piano in the basement has to be older than 40 or 50 years it seems to work just fine but im not sure if it would need tuning as nobody here that ik plays it and nobody would know how to...
  9. K

    Discuss some of the ways in which enslaved Africans in the Caribbean fashioned...

    ...their own meaning for their? some points in point form please
  10. T

    FOR: New, or Old Fashioned?

    I LOVE new "fangled" names as my mom calls it. BUT, im into SOME old fashion ones too. examples: New: Aubree, Lauren, Mackenzie, Carson, Carter Old: Leah, Rosalie, Isaac, Lilah, Eli SO, my ? is, are you more old fashioned or for newer names?
  11. E

    What do you think of these old fashioned names?

    I just love older names that aren't used very much anymore. What do you think of these?what are some others that are similar? Hazel Ivy Maxine Iris Lilian
  12. L

    what is this old fashioned film called!?

    Film quite old fashioned some boys go and look for a friend they lost in the woods and some big teen lads come and find the body too but they just want the reward. the boys (the younger ones) travel everywhere to find this boy and they go through this water and its full of leaches and it sucks...
  13. A

    My mom is trying to make me old fashioned?

    Okay so recently me and my mom were talking and I asked her "Why do you always do what Dad says. Don't you have a mind of your own?" and she replied "Women need to obey and submit to their husbands because they are the head of the household, and we need to respect their wishes, and you WILL do...
  14. W

    What's the difference between rolled oats and old fashioned? Can I substitute?

    I have a recipe for cookies that calls for rolled oats and all I have are old fashioned oats. Can I substitute or will it affect the outcome of the cookie too much?
  15. W

    What's the difference between rolled oats and old fashioned? Can I substitute?

    I have a recipe for cookies that calls for rolled oats and all I have are old fashioned oats. Can I substitute or will it affect the outcome of the cookie too much?
  16. N

    Why aren't there any Indian or Middle Eastern high fashioned models?

    I've heard because they are all very short because they come from a country full of short people due to poor nutrition. On the other hand there are plenty of French, Swedish, German, Russian, East Asian and black models. Is it because they don't have a unique look and they all look the same and...
  17. J

    Opinions about giving a new baby and old fashioned name?

    Our first sons name is John Charles IV. That is obviously a family name. We would like to continue the tradition of giving family names but aren't sure about giving an old fashioned name to a kid. I'm not a fan of anything trendy and really prefer more traditional names. Here's what I've come up...
  18. C

    how to make an old fashioned dress?

    for halloween im going as a vamp but dont know how to make or wear to buy an old fashioned dress however i dont want to be an old style vamp just one like out of the vampire diaries and btw im english so i want something easy to buy within england :) would help and or easy to make. thanks for...
  19. M

    How to impress an old fashioned guy?

    Hey, quick question. So I really like this guy who basically stepped out of the 20's. He's very classy and mature. I am too but I was wondering if you had any advice on how to impress him. My school has a strict uniform so there's no way to dress up any particular way. Thanks :)
  20. P

    Is the term "girl Friday" old fashioned now?

    I'm temping as a medical secretary and the boss here has asked me to work Friday's for him as he put it, "You can be my girl Friday". I am 39 by the way!!!! I have declined his offer, but wonder if this term is old fashioned now.