
  1. K

    Dreaming that crystals were falling out of my hair?

    Like when I touched or scratched my hair small crystals would fall. And everyone was around me. Also does it mean anything if you dream that your parents are really angry at you for no reason Like my mom refused to talk or even look at me. When Im nice, my dad gets really mad for no reason, only...
  2. I

    Can anyone interpret my strange dream about falling upwards?

    So I had the strangest dream. I was at these peoples house and it was in every way my dream house. A beautiful old house to be fixed up. On the outside the couple that owned it had already fixed it up. However the inside of te house was completely dilapidated, it was ugly and falling apart. The...
  3. E

    __what is the main idea behing falling angels by tracy chevalier??__?

    please help! thanks!
  4. T

    How can i support my gay friend without falling out with my mates?

    My friend, whom i have known for years came out as an uphill gardener a couple of months ago. I did not know he did not want 'outed' as a homo so i told all the boys down the factory where we work....the trouble is as soon as they found out that he was a puddle jumper they started calling him...
  5. T

    How can i support my gay friend without falling out with my mates?

    My friend, whom i have known for years came out as an uphill gardener a couple of months ago. I did not know he did not want 'outed' as a homo so i told all the boys down the factory where we work....the trouble is as soon as they found out that he was a puddle jumper they started calling him...
  6. T

    How can i support my gay friend without falling out with my mates?

  7. T

    How can i support my gay friend without falling out with my mates?

  8. T

    How can i support my gay friend without falling out with my mates?

  9. T

    How can i support my gay friend without falling out with my mates?

  10. T

    How can i support my gay friend without falling out with my mates?

  11. J

    What is really going on with the television stations right now falling under the

    sattelite companies? O.K. right now Time Warner has joined under Dish Network, and they're telling everyone there will no longer be Time Warner programs on Fox News because they will be on Dish Network, this requires everyone to have Dish network. I can't have Dish network, I tried because our...
  12. D

    How do you get up faster after falling in Mortal Kombat vs DC universe?

    Some guys fall on the ground and get up in the next second. How?
  13. M

    What does it mean if u have a dream of falling down steps?

    i had a dream that i was walking up the stairs at my school in front of the library and then i missed a step fell down and flinched waking me up from my dream. what could this mean?
  14. M

    My Long Distance Relationship is Falling Apart:(?

    We've been together for just over a year, hes 24 and I'm 19. We usually see eachother every few weeks, as he lives just over 3 hours away. However, due to money issues its been 5 weeks since we've seen eachother and it seems as though our relationship is falling apart, we usually text and phone...
  15. M

    Teeth falling out in dreams?

    I don't have this very often but I do remember it once in awhile. I figured that maybe sometimes when I sleep on my face I clench my jaw while dreaming sometimes and then my mind plays on that a bit resulting in a tooth getting loose and falling out. What do teeth falling out in dreams mean in...
  16. A

    What do teeth falling out in a dream represent?

    I keep seeing this in my dreams. I dream of something different each time but once in a while, they will all end the same, with my teeth falling out one by one and my gums bleeding and then I wake up. What does it mean?
  17. A

    im falling 4 this girl lol?

    i really really like this girl in my second period n just got her number a week ago but im not sure when 2 try to get with her cause she has an on and off relationship with her boyfriend and ill kinda be like out of the blue n im really falling 4 her sum one plz help
  18. K

    i have scene hair but when i tease it it looks funny and ends up falling flat

    later help? and i do use alot of hairspray but not enough to weigh it down should i use bumpits or something?
  19. C

    A way to keep round bales from falling apart?

    In the winter we put round bales in the horses run in sheds, however they always pull it apart so much that I end up loosing about 1/3 of the hay or more onto the ground where it gets dirty and basically turns into bedding. Has anyone seen a sort of round bale cover or net that would keep the...
  20. P

    When you die in a video game ie falling off a cliff- what funny things do you yell?

    Like are you like , cliff we meet again . Or, NOT AGAIN AHHHHHHHHHHH I'm going to slit your dirt throat in your sleep cliff. this is an odd question, but funny things you yell at video games? :] thanks