
  1. J

    Need Help Falling Asleep, Hints or Remedies?

    Does anyone have a hint or something to help me get sleepy at night? I am an insomniac. My insurance is horrible and I can't afford Ambien or any of that and don't want to be on it really anyway. I take NyQuil once in awhile and drink chamomile tea but I could use other ideas please...
  2. M

    Lizard falling predictions ?

    A lizard fell on right elbow and right side of the stomach. Can you say the predictions for this? Please note this happened to my girlfriend and not to me. I mean to a Female.
  3. K

    Falling in love with a girl that has HPV, ideas / advice?

    I'm a 32 year old divorced father and I'm completely enamored with a woman with HPV. I've read all about it, and I do know that there is no way for sure that I will contract it, but I am still a bit hesitant. We have not had any sort of intercourse, but I do foresee it in the future. Run is...
  4. T

    hey my hamsters kept falling through a hole in the cage should i patch up the hole?

    see they keep falling hammy after hammy and the mom has to retrieve them should i leave it alone or should i patch up the hole please reply
  5. B

    Falling for a shy guy...?

    I am basically 'in love' with this guy.. and he's shy. It's been 3 weeks since we've started talking, and I'm getting to know him better. The thing is, he's very friendly in terms of 'friends'. He talks a lot about his work, family, friends, school etc but I can STILL sense that he's a bit...
  6. N

    Does anyone know where to get images of clark kent tripping or falling?

    I've been looking for pictures of clark being clumsy and dorky. It's for a valentine gift i'm working on. If you have any or you know where to find some please let me know :)
  7. L

    falling inlove with your bestfriend?

    i think i really love my bestfriend. he has a gf. but he told me he did like me. should i just wait for him?
  8. M

    Lizard falling predictions ?

    A lizard fell on right elbow and right side of the stomach. Can you say the predictions for this? Please note this happened to my girlfriend and not to me. I mean to a Female.
  9. M

    what force prevents a satellite from falling?

    None of these. Gravity is what keeps the satellite IN ORBIT but it doesn't prevent it from falling (in fact, it's what makes it fall). There's no air drag because there's no air in space (duh.) And inertia isn't a force.
  10. K

    I am crazy for falling in love with a certain celebrity I never met(who is

    single)? Should I give up on him? I have never met him, But I feel weirdly connect to him and I honestly can't stop thinking about him. When I put my mind elsewhere, hes right there again. And I always see things that remind me of him. I just want advice on how to think about it and help decide...
  11. S

    My life is falling apart! help?

    My fiancee and I fight all the time, we have a son 17months old and baby due in August. I am becoming detached from my family because the fighting never ends and I can never do anything right. She uses psychological warfare on a daily basis. It's gotten to the point where I am sleep walking...
  12. I

    Did the Kardashian sisters have a falling out or something?

    Ok so I was myspace surfing and came across Kourtney and Kim's myspace pages. They are both in their top friends and I didn't see Khloe's page anywhere. Maybe she doesn't have a myspace page BUT...They seem/ed to be so close AND...On Kourtney's page there are a bunch of pics with only Kim and...
  13. J

    when my dog is falling asleep, he roles his eyes backwards. unusual?

    you can see him roling his eyes back when is falling asleep. is this abnormal?
  14. T

    Which is your favourite dream theater album after falling into infinity? ?

    @Deke...SDOAT it's surely a great album. anyway, my analysis could seem uncorrect, but I think that It was an error to split the album in two parts..BTW! do you know who of dream theater did write the orchestral composition on that song?
  15. E

    How to stop bike chain from falling off?

    Pretty much whenever I go biking my chain will get jammed or will fall off, usually when I shift gears, but sometimes just randomly it seems. Its been like this for two years and when we took it to the bike repair shop they said there was nothing wrong, but when I rode it again the chain kept on...
  16. B

    91' Chevy Lumina Falling Apart..Help?

    So the front of my car got a little messed up in an accident. Had to take the bumper cover off cause it (the bumper) was bent down So how much would it cost to fix the front end? Also, it has been dying while putting around town, usually only when at a stop sign or on a slope. And it's started...
  17. S

    can i make a gif where snow is falling over this picture? ?

    and what program? or website will let me do it? http://nerolism.com/zz32.jpg
  18. C

    Brackets keep falling off?

    My orthodontists are really pissed at me for breaking brackets so often, and the stupid thing is, I've never broken a bracket DURING eating. And I eat all the appropriate foods. They always come off at random times of the day, usually when I'm not doing anything particular. Like once during PE...
  19. K

    guinea pig falling off 3 feet anything to worry about?

    my guinea pig was walking around my table then he accidently fell. is there anyhing i should be aware of? ps. he looks fine and is walking fine and is just acting normal he's just a little quiet and he fell on some wires that was bent in the air so i think it broke his fall.