
  1. K

    Is divorcing a Family or Estate Lawyer a most difficult task LOL...?

    He/She knows the tricks of the trade arn't you screwed. How are you getting money out of that LOL... And if hes/shes Jewish OMG its like going against Superman *Pun intended for those who know the history of Superman comics ;>* and you're Static Shock... You're not going to win.
  2. A

    Video: Gabrielle Gifford Speaks About Difficult Rehab

    Just try watching this video of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords talking to Diane Sawyer about her recovery without tearing up. More »Post from: Blisstree
  3. D

    Is it very difficult for a DIY'er to replace the timing belt/water pump on a 2005...

    ...Lexus IS300? My 2005 Lexus IS300 is close to 90K miles and I believe the timing belt/water pump should be replaced. I have priced this with several dealers and mechanics and at this time I can't afford close to $1000 to have this done. However, I see there are kits that can be purchased for...
  4. G

    Are shooting games on Xbox 360/PS3 difficult?

    I'm a PC gamer looking to buy an xbox 360 or ps3. I want one because of the massive amount of non shooting games they have available to them that PC doesn't have. My only concern is how they work with shooting games. I've had both systems before, but I can not recall playing any shooters on...
  5. M

    Difficult stupid riddles?

    For example: there was blood on a ship, why? Answer is a new tattoo of a ship. I need more good riddles that you think no one can solve without intense yes and no question asking :)
  6. N

    difficult riddle..plzzzz helppp?

    what has 2 heads, 3 ears, 4 hands and 5 legs?
  7. A

    What are the most difficult DS JRPGs?

    I'm looking for difficult JRPGs for the DS...Even better if they're 2D. I love leveling and managing my stats. Don't suggest 1st person RPGs like Etrian Odyssey or SRPGs, please...I like those games, but it's not what I'm looking for at the moment.
  8. J

    Ladies: how difficult would it be for U NOT to laugh?

    If someone tickled your bare feet? would you be tough and fight it? Or be forced to laugh?
  9. A

    how difficult is it to create android apps?

    Right now I'm taking my time learning java due to schoolwork and other things but this summer I plan to learn more Java programming and would like to create android apps, no apps to sell though, I just want to make one.
  10. I

    How to deal w difficult people that want to convert you to their religion?

    Im catholic and there pentacostal
  11. S

    What are the 4 most difficult times chracters are face in the Hunger Games by

    suzanne collins? i need to write an essay on how difficult times bring out the best and worst in people and need ideas on the difficult times
  12. L

    Very difficult Riddles:?

    1. There is a room, it has no windows and no doors, all that's inside to help a man escape is a table and a mirror! How will he get out using ONLY the TABLE and the MIRROR? 2. There is three houses, a blue house a red house and a green house, but what colour is the green house? 3. There was a...
  13. M

    This is difficult to discuss, but because you don't know me I'm going to do it.?

    What do you do when you can't get it up? I mean it's been going on all week and I don't' know what to do.
  14. S

    For Chefs: What is the most difficult cuisine or style of cooking to cook/prepare?

    I want to become a chef... but i dont know which field i want to get into... i want to do something that would require discipline and perfection and skill. i used to be a sushi chef (long story but i had to quit), now im a prep chef at a crepe resturant trying to work my way into the line and i...
  15. S

    For Chefs: What is the most difficult cuisine or style of cooking to cook/prepare?

    I want to become a chef... but i dont know which field i want to get into... i want to do something that would require discipline and perfection and skill. i used to be a sushi chef (long story but i had to quit), now im a prep chef at a crepe resturant trying to work my way into the line and i...
  16. S

    For Chefs: What is the most difficult cuisine or style of cooking to cook/prepare?

    I want to become a chef... but i dont know which field i want to get into... i want to do something that would require discipline and perfection and skill. i used to be a sushi chef (long story but i had to quit), now im a prep chef at a crepe resturant trying to work my way into the line and i...
  17. A

    I find it difficult to greet people like neighbours if I don't know them well....

    ...Something holds me back.? Is it normal to be like that. I am not shy in other ways but I don't feel sure of myself at times, so I just ignore them. I just lack the confidence. Do we all feel this way at times ?
  18. T

    How difficult is Beethoven's 3rd movement of the Appassionata?

    The last Beethoven piece I performed was the 1st movement of the Pathetique. For me, learning it was only moderately difficult. How does the 3rd movement of the Appasionata compare in terms of difficulty?
  19. T

    How difficult is Beethoven's 3rd movement of the Appassionata?

    The last Beethoven piece I performed was the 1st movement of the Pathetique. For me, learning it was only moderately difficult. How does the 3rd movement of the Appasionata compare in terms of difficulty?
  20. T

    How difficult is Beethoven's 3rd movement of the Appassionata?

    The last Beethoven piece I performed was the 1st movement of the Pathetique. For me, learning it was only moderately difficult. How does the 3rd movement of the Appasionata compare in terms of difficulty?