Are shooting games on Xbox 360/PS3 difficult?


May 22, 2008
I'm a PC gamer looking to buy an xbox 360 or ps3. I want one because of the massive amount of non shooting games they have available to them that PC doesn't have. My only concern is how they work with shooting games. I've had both systems before, but I can not recall playing any shooters on them. Playing shooting games on PC is amazing because of the amount of control you have as far as movement and aiming go. So my question is, are playing shooters on consoles difficult? From what I see in videos of console gameplay, aiming seems very difficult and almost it seems like people don't have the free movement PC users have. I know most people will say to just buy the games I want for consoles, and continue to play shooters on PC, but I want to make a full scale change if I do. I want to play the shooters on consoles because I am intrigued by the way xbox 360 and ps3 have achievement systems, and also I'm tired of sitting in front of the computer.