
  1. L

    how can you describe feminist humour?

    i need a definition for feminist humour.
  2. T

    Researchers Describe A New Target For Developing Anti-Angiogenic And Anti-Tumoral The

    Researchers from the Spanish National Cancer Research Centre (CNIO), led by Jorge L. MartÃ*nez-Torrecuadrada from the Proteomics Unit, have demonstrated that the antibody-based blocking of ephrinB2, a protein involved in angiogenesis and lymphoangiogenesis, may represent an effective strategy...
  3. S

    How would you describe my music taste?

    70 Million by Hold Your Horses: Cough Syrup by Young the Giant: Pumped Up Kicks by Foster the People: Colors by April Smith...
  4. A

    Need songs that describe The Taming of the Shrew?

    I need to find a song that covers one particular scene or event that occurs in each act. I think that below are the major events in each act. Act 1- Lucentio has fallen in love with Bianca Act 2- Battle of words between Petruchio and Kate Act 3- Wedding day Act 4- Petruchio taming Kate Act 5-...
  5. L

    What religion are you and what are your favorite music genres and describe the

    type of music ? i know it should come out random but it would be amusing if there was a real pattern that emerges
  6. S

    Christians: Describe your most beautiful experience with God?

    Many of us had experiences with God. But there are times that we experience God in an extraordinary and beatiful way that we get in a very close contact to Him. So, please describe one or more of these experiences you had in your life. Thanks
  7. A

    How does the religion, Judaism describe life?

    Also what is the point behind their worshiping (Is there a message and what are its values?)
  8. N

    how would you describe the features of the girl in this picture?

    I'm having a huge writer's block at the moment with one of my character's features. I would really like it to be described as Holland Roden's hair in this picture: just a beautiful shade of (light) auburn and filled with little ringlets...
  9. T

    Researchers Describe A New Genetic Programme That Converts Static Cells Into Mobile I

    Researchers at the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona) have identified the gene GATA 6 as responsible for epithelial cells which group together and are static- losing adhesion and moving towards a new site. This process, which is common to developing organisms, is very similar...
  10. J

    describe what parts of the following components play in the operation of a DC motor:?

    describe what parts of the following components play in the operation of a DC motor:commutator, brushes, permanent magnets, and armature.
  11. S

    What movie title would you use to describe the situation in Washington DC?

    I'm thinking Dumb and Dumber, or Duplicity, or All About The Benjamins
  12. L

    How would you describe your personal style?

    How you dress, do your hair, the type of music you listen to, etc. Or do you not have a specific style? List your sun, moon, rising and any other aspects you feel may have an affect.
  13. E

    How to describe the highway man?

    It's a book.. And for English. Book? .. I mean poem^
  14. L

    Awesome guess trivia: If you could describe my dad in one word what would it be?

    Puh-lease don't say anything bad.
  15. A

    Can someone describe Judaism to me?

    Thanks in advance
  16. M

    Describe the character's personalities from the point of view of the three

    theorists, Jung, Freud, and Rogers? The characters are Hugh Laurie "House", Bill Cosby, and Halle Berry. Can someone give me an idea, please. Thanks in advance. I did not ask anyone to do my HOMEWORK!! Just ideas Smart A&4#5&&**!
  17. C

    How to describe this with a little humour?

    I would like to say I love something like a ( ). for example, i love music more than a mouse love rice.
  18. T

    How would you describe abraham lincoln the way he feels and act?

    while he is talking or thinking
  19. R

    What would you describe as the current music trend/style?

    What is everyone listening to? What plays when people go out?
  20. T

    How would you describe someone who laughed all the time, and had a very broad

    sense of humor?i? laugh at my self, at others ( but am respectful), every day i laugh like 20 times